Monday, April 29, 2013

Marriage is good for the heart 研究:婚姻對心臟有益

Married people are less prone to heart attacks than singletons and more likely to recover if stricken, according to a Finnish study.

Researchers collected data on 15,330 people in Finland between the ages of 35 and 99 who suffered “acute coronary events” between 1993 and 2002. Just over half of the patients died within 28 days of the attacks.

The team found that unmarried men in all age groups were 58-66 percent more likely to suffer a heart attack than married ones. For women the nuptial benefit was even greater — single women were 60 to 65 percent more likely to suffer acute coronary events.

For both genders, wedlock also considerably lowered heart attack mortality. Unmarried men were 60-168 percent and unmarried women 71-175 percent more likely to die of a heart attack within 28 days, compared to their unhitched counterparts.







1. prone to adj. phr.
有...傾向的 (you3 … qing1 xiang4 de5)
例: I’ve always been prone to headaches.

2. nuptial adj.
婚姻的 (hun1 yin1 de5)
例: The couple exchanged nuptial vows during their wedding.

3. gender n.
性別 (xing4 bie2)
例: Gender equality is yet to be achieved in many nations.



Above all else, guard your heart,
    for everything you do flows from it. (Proverbs 4:23)

因為生命的泉源由此而出。 (箴言 4:23)

Friday, April 26, 2013

“No proof” vitamin D stops colds 維他命D擋感冒「沒有證據

Scientists say they can find no convincing evidence to show that taking vitamin D supplements will fend off a cold. The 161 people who took daily vitamin D for 18 months caught as many colds as the 161 who took fake pills.

The study was reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
But a leading UK cold expert said vitamin D was useful. Prof Ronald Eccles, of the Common Cold Center at Cardiff University, said it can give the immune system a much-needed boost during winter when vitamin D reserves may be low.

He said echinacea supplements may also help ward off coughs and colds, but added, “Supplements do not work for everybody because people’s immune systems are different. It’s not a case of one size fits all.”

(Liberty Times)


1. convincing adj.
具說服力的 (ju4 shui4 fu2 li4 de5)
例: I didn’t find the ending of the film very convincing.
2. fend off v. phr.
對付 (dui4 fu4))
例: Somehow she managed to fend off the awkward questions.
3. one size fits all
idiom 一體適用 (yi4 ti3 shi4 yong4)
例: He advocates a one-size-fits-all approach to education.

Tara Stiles: Treat Colds - 

Regular yoga practice reduces sickness, but if you do get a cold follow this quick routine from yoga expert Tara Stiles to treat your symptoms. 

Episode 198 - Yoga for Colds 

                                                    (more advanced practice)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Be wary of smartphone games damaging eyesight 低頭瘋遊戲小心眼力不保

Candy Crush Saga is the most popular game being played on smartphones as of late. No matter whether you are riding the bus, waiting for the bus or eating, so many people have their heads down, preoccupied “crushing candy” as soon as they have even a moment to spare. Eye doctors have discovered that the number of young patients visiting their clinics has been increasing, with symptoms that include sore, swollen eyes and rapidly worsening nearsightedness. They surmise that this mainly is occurring because people are playing cellphone games and staring at computer screens excessively.
Chen Ying-shan, head of ophthalmology at Cathay General Hospital’s Hsinchu branch, says that the vast majority of his patients in the past were elderly people, and that people between the ages of 20 and 60 only accounted for around 10 percent of his patients. In recent years, however, that number has risen to 30 percent.
The symptoms among this group of people are quite similar, including sore, swollen eyes, as well as dryness and discomfort, while another group of patients consists of young people showing signs of presbyopia and nearsightedness inexplicably getting rapidly worse.
For example, one 30-something woman was told by an eyeglasses retailer to see a doctor because her nearsightedness was quickly degenerating and had caused her to switch glasses twice in 6 months. After the doctor questioned her further about her daily routine, he found that her eyesight was probably getting worse due to looking at her cellphone too often, which had caused her pseudomyopia — temporary nearsightedness — to get much worse.
Chen says that looking at cellphones is worse for your eyes than looking at computer screens or watching television. The cellphone screen is typically only around 30cm from your eyes, and since the screen is so small, both eyes move inward toward each other to maintain single binocular vision — convergence — which is a huge strain on the eyes’ ciliary muscles, he says.

Playing games on your cellphone in poorly lit areas is similar to taking a small flashlight and shining it directly in your eyes, which fatigues your eyes and can cause macular degeneration if sustained for an extended period of time. In the end, although you may not have poor eyesight, the quality of your overall eyesight can be negatively affected and may in severe cases necessitate surgery.
(Liberty Times, Translated by Kyle Jeffcoat)

1. preoccupied adj.
全神貫注的;入神的 (quan2 shen2 guan4 zhu4 de5; ru4 shen2 de5)
例: Joan was too preoccupied to hear what her boss was saying during the meeting.
2. flashlight n.
手電筒 (shou3 dian4 tong3)
例: I couldn’t find the flashlight when the lights suddenly went out, so I was tripping over all the furniture.
3. necessitate v.
使成為必需;需要 (shi3 cheng2 wei2 bi4 xu1; xu1 yao4)
例: It has been said that war necessitates evil.

近日最夯的手機遊戲就是「Candy Crush Saga (糖果大爆險)」,不管是坐車、等車、吃飯……,不少人一有時間就拿起手機低頭忙「消糖」。不過,眼科醫師也發現,近來眼科門診青壯年比例明顯增加,症狀包括眼睛痠脹不適、甚至近視度數大幅飆升,推斷多數都是因為玩手機、看電腦時間過長所致。

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Happy Earth Day! 並讓您保持有穩定的重心 Be rooted and grounded

Yoga for Earth Day

The earth and our environment are all connected like a spider web or invisible thread. 地球和我們的環境互相關聯,就像蜘蛛網或看不見的線般地密切。

These simple poses encourage your connection with earth, and keep you rooted and grounded (See Well-Grounded).. 這些簡單的姿勢激發你與地球的連接,並讓您保持有穩定的重心。
Mountain Pose, Tadasana山形姿勢

The most basic of all poses in yoga is the Mountain Pose. 山姿是在瑜伽所有姿勢中最基本的Every yoga practice begins with this simple pose. 每一個瑜伽練習都從這個簡單的姿勢開始。The pose encourages your connection with earth, connects you with your own body, and grounds you in the present moment. 這個姿態鼓勵你與地球,以及你與你自己的身體的連接,而且讓你在此刻穩定重心。
1. Stand barefoot on your mat. Shoulders, neck, and upper body relaxed, yet straight. Your arms are at your side. 赤腳站在你的墊子上。肩膀,頸部和上身放鬆,但要伸直。你的手臂是在你的身體兩邊。
2.     Become aware of your breath. Inhale slowly into your belly and exhale. Continue taking deep slow breaths. 注意你的呼吸。慢慢吸氣到你的腹部,然後慢慢吐氣。繼續這樣慢慢地做深呼吸。
3.     Feel the ground underneath your feet. Spread your toes and lift them off the ground. Then relax and let them fall back on the mat. 覺你的腳下方的地面。打開你的腳趾,並將腳趾離地。然後放鬆並讓腳趾回落在墊子上。
4.     Imagine roots spreading from your feet deep down into the earth. Feel the connection and the stability that these roots offer you. 想像有根從你的腳,蔓延到地上。感覺這些根為您提供的連接性和穩定性。
Warrior Pose, Virabhadrasana 1戰士姿勢
This is a strong asana that makes a firm connection with earth and your body. 這是一個強有力的asana姿勢,讓地球和你的身體連接牢固。This pose strengthens your legs, can help with knee strength, lower back strength, and opens your hips. 這個姿勢同時強化腿、膝關節、和腰部的肌力,並可以開展你的臀部。
  1. Stand in Tadasana (Mountain Pose). 站立成山的姿勢。Take a deep breath and on an exhale step your left foot back about 3.5 feet. 深吸一口氣,繼續呼氣,左腳往後離約3.5英尺。
  2. Turn your left foot to about 45 degree angle. 你的左腳站立約45度角。Make sure your left foot is firmly planted and touching the ground. 確保你的左腳牢牢穩固地踏在地面上。
  3. On an exhale, bend your right knee over the right ankle, so that your shin is perpendicular to the floor. 呼氣,同時彎曲你的右膝蓋,讓你的小腿與地面垂直。If you can, bring your right thigh parallel with the floor. 如果可以的話,把你的右大腿與地面平行。
  4. Raise your arms above your head and touch the palms together (as in prayer position). 抬起你的雙臂舉過頭頂,觸摸雙手合十在祈禱位置。
  5. Breathe deeply and hold the position for at least 5 full ujjayi breaths. 深呼吸並維持這個姿勢至少5 ujjayi呼吸的位置。
  6. Bend your knees and step your feet back together. Repeat on the other side. 彎曲你的膝蓋並把腳一起收回來。在另一側重複動作。
Corpse Pose, Savasana屍體姿勢
This is an excellent earth day pose because your whole body is in contact with the ground. 這是一個很棒的地球日的姿勢,因為你的整個身體與地面碰觸。
  1. Lie on your back on the floor. 仰躺在地板上。
  2. Stretch your legs, spread them comfortably apart (whatever feels good for you) and relax your lower body. 伸展你的腿,任意地打開兩腿(以自己感覺舒服為準),放鬆你的下半身。
  3. Your arms should be by your side, palms facing up. 你的手臂應該是在你的身體兩側,手心朝上。
  4. Breathe deeply and feel the connection of your body with the ground. 深呼吸,感覺你的身體與地面的連接。Sink into the ground, relaxing every muscle. 身體下沉到地面,放鬆每一塊肌肉。
As much as this pose looks simple, it is the most challenging pose. 這個姿勢看起來很簡單,它是最具挑戰性的姿勢。 Try not to wiggle or twitch for a good 10 minutes. 盡量不要搖晃或擺動維持10分鐘。When you are ready roll to your right side and help yourself to a sitting position. 當你準備結束這個動作,往右翻身,並讓自己變成坐姿。

Nice Earth Day inspired vinyasa

Benefits of the Earth Salutation地球致敬的好處
The Earth Salutation is a restorative series of postures that work to repair the nervous system, the reproductive system, and the gastro-intestinal system.  “地球致敬是一系列恢復性的的姿勢,可以修復神經系統,生殖系統和腸道系統。Meant to be performed mid-day, this is a grounding salutation to help provide continual strength to face the day’s challenges. ,這是一個基礎的致敬姿勢,該要在中午實行,有助於提供持續的力量去面對一天的挑戰。 The Earth Salutation provides a wonderful stretch to your back, legs, and torso as it works to elongate and strengthen your spine. “地球致敬的姿勢提供了一個極好的伸展,讓你的背部、腿部、和身體伸長和強化你的脊椎。

I found a youtube earth salutation but the quality is not good (too grainy and her shoulders were not pulled back), so I am thinking of making my own Earth Salutation video with some variations.
 Coming soon!

(Translated by Doreen Cheng)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Walking is Yoga 走路是瑜伽

Did you know walking is the best form of yoga? 你知不知道走路是瑜伽的最佳形式?

Walking linked to fewer strokes in women 走路與女性中風風險高低有關

Women who walk at least three hours every week are less likely to suffer a stroke than women who walk less or not at all, according to research from Spain that looked at thousands of people.
While the current study, which appeared in the journal Stroke, cannot prove that regular walking caused the fewer strokes, it contributes to a small body of evidence for potential relationships between specific kinds of exercise and risk for specific diseases.
Past studies have also linked physical activity to fewer strokes, which can be caused by built-up plaque in arteries or ruptured blood vessels in the brain.
Women who walked briskly for 210 minutes or more per week had a lower stroke risk than inactive women but also lower than those who cycled and did other higher-intensity workouts for a shorter amount of time.
(Liberty Times Wed, Apr 03, 2013)


1. contribute v.
貢獻;提供;捐款 (gong4 xian4; ti2 gong1; juan1 kuan3)
例: Her family has contributed 50,000 pounds to the fund.
2. briskly adv.
輕快地;明快地 (qing1 kuai4 de5; ming2 kuai4 de5)
例: She spoke briskly on the phone.
3. workout n.
運動 (yun4 dong4)
例: Kevin does workouts in the gym two or three times a week.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Aging Gracefully 優雅的老化

How do you view growing old? 你如何看待變老這件事?
Do you celebrate your birthday? 你有在慶祝你的生日嗎?
Yoga can help slow down the aging process. 瑜伽可以幫助您減緩老化的情形。More important, yoga can help you appreciate what your body can do and help you feel comfortable in your own skin. 更重要的是,瑜伽可以促進您的新陳代謝,讓你的皮膚感覺更舒適。
  Aging a concern for many but harder for women: poll
很多人都在意變老 女性更難接受老化事實

Aging is a concern for many Americans, particularly its impact on health, but men seem to have an easier time dealing with the hallmarks of passing years than women, according to a new survey.
The national poll of 2,000 US adults found that nearly 90 percent of people think women are under more pressure to look younger than men are. Men are also considered old about five years later than women, and sexier at an older age.
While gray hair was thought to make men look distinguished, on women it was associated with being old. The age when women were thought to be the most attractive was 30, compared with 34 for men.
“The survey definitely shows that aging, when we are talking about appearance, is a real emotional touch point for both men and women, no matter whether they are 20, 40, 60,” said Kristin Perrotta, the executive editor of Allure magazine, which commissioned the poll.
“People overwhelming said they were concerned about the effects of aging. They were concerned about how it would affect their attractiveness to the opposite sex, and particularly with women, how aging would affect their career.”
Forty-two percent of women aged 50 to 59 years old said they felt they needed to look young to be successful at work, nearly double the number of men, but overall men and women thought that gender played a larger role in workplace discrimination than age.


1. aging n.
老化 (lao3 hua4)
例: Aging is a natural process.
2. impact n.
影響 (ying2 xiang3)
例: The impact of eating junk food on health is gigantic.
3. appearance n.
外表;外貌 (wai4 biao3; wai4 mao4)
例: Don’t judge a person by his or her appearance.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Victorious Breath勝利的呼吸

Ujjayi breath is an integral part of yoga and is widely used by many different schools of yoga.  Ujjayi呼吸是瑜伽不可或缺的一個構成要素,被廣泛應用於許多不同流派的瑜伽. It is an audible breath you should use during your yoga routine. 這是一個發聲的呼吸,你應該在你的瑜伽例行使用.  The great thing about Ujjayi breathing is that you can practice it anytime and in any position.   關於Ujjayi呼吸很棒的事 , 就是你可以隨時隨地練習。

Remember the key to this technique is the soft, oceanic sound you are making with the air passing through your throat.
 請記住這技巧的重要關鍵,是你要讓空氣通過你的喉嚨 ,產生像海洋柔軟的聲音。

  Its recommended to hold each pose for at least 5 full ujjayi breaths. 
建議你每個姿勢至少保持5 個ujjayi呼吸

Benefits of Ujjayi Breath Ujjayi 呼吸的好處:

  • Relaxes the mind and calms the entire system.  讓頭腦放鬆和鎮靜全部系統.
  • Promotes a sense of joy and peace. 增進喜樂和平安感.
  • Prepares the mind for meditation. 為暝想的心念做準備。
  • Balances the internal systems, helps the body regain it’s equilibrium and promotes longevity. 平衡身體內部系統,幫助它恢復均衡,和促進長壽。
  • Excellent technique for those who can’t sleep and helps treat insomnia. 很棒的方式幫助無法入眠的人對付失眠問題.
  • Helps lower blood pressure 有助於降低血壓.
  • Promotes internal heat within the the body so the body can safely go into flexible poses. 增進身體內部的熱度,使身體能確實地進入柔軟彈性的姿勢狀態中.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Children's Day 兒童節

 The 4th of April is Children's Day in Taiwan. 四月四日在台灣是兒童節. 
Let's celebrate, here are some kid yoga materials. 讓我們慶祝,這裡有一些孩子瑜伽材料。 Yoga doesn't have to be serious, it should be like playing! 瑜伽並不一定是嚴肅 的,它應該是這樣玩!

April 四月
children 兒童
a festival  
Children's Day 兒童節

Turn on the captions button to read the English subtitles. 的標題“按鈕,打開閱讀英文字幕。

Kids Yoga - Kids Do Yoga Too (Australian accent 澳大利亞口音)

Fun Yoga For Kids (British accent 英式口音)

Yoga Today for Kids (American accent美國口音)

2 Jesus called a little child over to him. He had the child stand among them. Jesus said, “What I’m about to tell you is true. You need to change and become like little children. If you don’t, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 18:2-3

耶穌便叫一個小孩子來,使他站在他們當中, 說:「我實在告訴你們:你們若不回轉,變成小孩子的樣式,斷不得進天國。

馬太福音 18:2-3


名詞 Noun

動詞 Verb

形容詞 Adjective

慣用語 Idiom