Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Flu risk cut by vigorous exercise 劇烈運動減少感冒風險

People do yoga in Caracas, Venezuela on May 21, 2012.
民眾二0一二年五月二十一日在委內瑞拉的卡拉卡斯練瑜珈。Photo: AFP  照片:法新社

Doing at least two and a half hours of vigorous exercise each week cuts the chance of developing flu, new data suggests.
Around 4,800 people took part in this year’s online Flu Survey, run by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Moderate exercise did not appear to have a protective effect, the researchers said.
One of the questions people must answer when they register, as well as their age, if they are around children and if they have been vaccinated, is how many hours of “vigorous exercise” they do each week, such as running, fast cycling or competitive sports, ranging from none to more than five hours.
They are then asked to log in each week and note how they are feeling, and whether or not they have any flu-like symptoms.
The researchers say their findings suggest 100 cases of flu per 1,000 people could be prevented just by engaging in vigorous exercise.
(Liberty Times)


1. vigorous adj.
強有力的 (qiang2 you3 li4 de5)
例: There has been vigorous opposition to the proposals for a new road.
2. vaccinate v.
接種疫苗 (jie1 zhong3 yi4 miao2)
例: The children were vaccinated against major childhood diseases.
3. range v.
(在範圍內)變動 ((zai4 fan4 wei2 nei4) bian4 dong4)
例: Prices range from US$50 to US$250.
This story has been viewed 2271 times.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The full moon may make it hard to sleep: study 研究:滿月會讓人難以入眠

Photo: Getty Images/AFP


Swiss researchers said on July 25 that people really do have a hard time getting a good night’s sleep when the moon is full, even when they cannot see it.
The results of a study on 33 volunteers published in the journal Current Biology showed that people took longer to fall asleep at night and slept for a shorter time during a full moon.
The volunteers were monitored on two separate nights, and were not aware of the cycle of the moon during their time in the sleep lab.
When there was a full moon, people slept an average of 19 minutes less and took five minutes longer to fall asleep than they did when there was a new moon.
“The lunar cycle seems to influence human sleep, even when one does not ’see’ the moon and is not aware of the actual moon phase,” said Christian Cajochen of the Psychiatric Hospital of the University of Basel.
Study participants also reported feeling less well-rested, and showed lower levels of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep and wake cycles, during the full moon.
“To our knowledge, this is the first report of a lunar influence on objective sleep parameters,” the study said.


1. asleep adv.
睡著地;缺乏警惕地 (shui4 zhao2 de5; que1 fa2 jing3 ti4 de5)
例: Do you have trouble falling asleep?
2. monitor v.
監控;監測 (jian1 kong4; jian1 ce4)
例: Please continue to monitor his vitals.
3. be aware of phr.
意識到 (yi4 shi4 dao4)
例: He doesn’t seem to be aware of how serious the problem is.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Children get sick more easily with unpredictable spring temperatures 春天乍暖還寒 兒童易染病

Above and below: Children and parents wait in the pediatrics department of a hospital in Greater Taichung on Jan. 2.

photos: Tsai Shu-yuan, Liberty Times

It is easier for children to get sick in the spring due to highly unpredictable weather and temperatures as well as children’s lower resistance to infection. Chang Tao-tse, a pediatrician at Miaoli County’s Da Chien General Hospital, says there have been many cases of colds, bronchitis, mycoplasma pneumonia, and croup recently. He reminds parents to pay more attention when a child is not feeling well and to seek immediate medical attention.
Chang says that the common cold is the most frequently seen illness among children in the springtime. Usually a cold passes simply by drinking more water and resting, but if a high fever persists there is the possibility that it will bring about tympanitis or sinusitis. Parents and teachers should teach children to wash their hands often, avoid visiting public places, and wear masks if they do have a cold so that the virus does not continue to spread.
Also common in the spring is bronchitis, the initial symptoms of which resemble the common cold — coughing and a runny nose, but usually the patient recovers in one to two weeks. High fevers and labored breathing occur in serious cases, possibly leading to hypoxia, which requires hospitalization and is a situation that must be taken very seriously.
Chang says that mycoplasma pneumonia is often seen in school-aged children. Its initial symptoms include headaches, fever, sore throat, and lethargy. After two to five days, coughing begins, and sometimes non-respiratory symptoms such as vomiting, abdominal pains, conjunctivitis, and skin rashes also appear.
Croup occurs when a child’s voice suddenly becomes hoarse, with a “barking” cough, stridor, and breathing difficulties, during which time parents usually do not know what to do. Chang says the symptoms of croup usually appear late at night or early in the morning. Breathing warm steam can mitigate the symptoms, but it must not be taken lightly in cases of epilottitis, high fevers, short-temperedness or difficulty swallowing, or if it leads to an acute obstruction of the airways.
Other illnesses that are frequently seen in the spring include chicken pox, enterogastritis, allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, and enteroviruses. Some viruses are picked up at school, so teachers must also help in protecting children’s health by letting parents know when a child is not feeling well and arranging for them to see a doctor.
(Liberty Times, Translated by Kyle Jeffcoat)

兒童在春季的常見疾病還包括水痘、腸胃炎、過敏性鼻炎、異位性皮膚炎、腸病毒等,有些疾病是在學校被同學感染造成,因此小朋友的健康也需要老師協助守護,發現學童身體不適應立即家長反映,安排就診。 (自由時報記者傅潮標)

1. pediatrician n.
小兒科醫師 (xiao3 er2 ke1 yi1 shi1)
例: Your child should see a pediatrician instead of a family doctor if they have a complex medical issue.
2. hoarse adj.
沙啞的 (sha1 ya3 de5)
例: The coach’s voice was very hoarse after yelling at the players during the game.
3. chicken pox n. phr.
水痘 (shui3 dou4)
例: Chicken pox usually occurs during childhood and is highly contagious.



名詞 Noun

動詞 Verb

形容詞 Adjective

慣用語 Idiom