Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Yoga for Hangovers 解宿醉的方法

An elephant grazes at Amboseli National Park, approximately 220km southeast of Nairobi, Kenya on Oct. 7 last year.

Photo: AFP

Elephants get ‘drunk’ on fruit 大象吃果子「醉了」

We all know what we get like after one too many glasses of wine, but we were quite surprised to see a group of elephants appear to be drunk.
The herd of young calves were captured stumbling around Singita Kruger National Park in South Africa, acting like they had just had a boozy night out.
Instead of downing too many glasses of wine, however, the elephants had been nibbling marula fruit.
Ross Couper, a field guide at Singita Kruger National Park, witnessed the animals move through the bush, feeding on the fruit strewn across the ground — the older and wiser elephants teaching the young what to eat.
One of the adult cow elephants forcefully knocked the fruit down from a tree, shaking it back and forth for the young to feed on.
As they had already snacked on marula throughout their journey, it was not long before the youngsters started to behave as if they had been knocking back the beers.
According to African myth this sweet fruit can have an intoxicating effect on large mammals when they eat large amount.
(Liberty Times)

1. one too many phr. 過量 
例: Joe has had one too many.   (喬喝多醉了。)

2. drunk adj.
例: Many politicians are drunk with power. (許多政治人物醉心於權力。)

3. knock back v. phr.喝光 
例: Steve knocked back four shots of vodka in five minutes.


Wednesday, December 24, 2014

If Santa were salaried...如果耶誕老人支薪 年薪可賺四百萬

A child has his picture taken with a Father Christmas who turned up bearing gifts in Greater Tainan on Dec. 17.

Every Christmas Eve is Santa’s busiest time. Santa Claus does not have an easy job. He not only has to prepare gifts for each of the world’s children, he also needs to deliver them to the kids in a single night. But if we were to actually calculate Santa’s salary, how much would he earn?
The latest labor survey announced on an insurance Web site discovered that, if you combined all of his festive activities, from the management and distribution to tasks such as checking off name lists of how good or naughty children have been, altogether Santa should get an annual salary of US$139,924, approximately NT$4.4 million.
The Web site explained that Santa’s tasks include managing the reindeer, reading kids’ letters, wrapping presents, keeping a stealthy check on whether children have been good, sweeping chimneys, driving the sleigh, and singing Christmas carols.

1. naughty adj. 淘氣 
例: He was always a very naughty child.
2. stealthy adj. 偷偷 
例: He stole a stealthy look at the presents.
3. carol n.耶誕歌 
例: We will sing Christmas carols tonight.
(Liberty Times, translated by Paul Cooper)


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Lost sleep leads to loss of brain cells, study suggests 研究:喪失睡眠導致大腦細胞流失

South Korean marines sleep on a ferry in the Yellow Sea on April 10.

Photo: Reuters

Sleep loss may be more serious than previously thought, causing a permanent loss of brain cells, research suggests.
In mice, prolonged lack of sleep led to 25 percent of certain brain cells dying, according to a study in The Journal of Neuroscience.
If the same is true in humans, it may be futile to try to catch up on missed sleep, say US scientists.
They think it may one day be possible to develop a drug to protect the brain from the side-effects of lost sleep.
The study looked at lab mice that were kept awake to replicate the kind of sleep loss common in modern life, through night shifts or long hours in the office.
A team at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine studied certain brain cells which are involved in keeping the brain alert.
After several days of sleep patterns similar to those followed by night workers — three days of night shifts with only four to five hours sleep in 24 hours — the mice lost 25 percent of the brain cells.
(Liberty Times)


1. prolonged adj. 長期的 
例: Prolonged use of the drug is known to have harmful side-effects.
2. futile adj.無益的 
例: It’s quite futile trying to reason with him. He just won’t listen.
3. catch up v. phr.趕上
例: He was off school for a while and is finding it hard to catch up.

A : We have to go back to work tomorrow.
B : I know. It feels like the weekend goes by so incredibly fast.
A : It’s kind of depressing.
B : Try to get to bed earlier tonight. Be sure to get plenty of rest so you can give it your best tomorrow.
A : 明天又要上班了。
B : 對啊!感覺假日時間過超快的。
A : 真令人提不起勁。
B : 今晚早點休息養足精神,明天好好加油吧!


名詞 Noun

動詞 Verb

形容詞 Adjective

慣用語 Idiom