Sunday, May 31, 2015

Yoga for Men Part 1: 男人的 瑜伽練習 練習一

Holding doors open for men threatens their masculinity 幫男人開門 威脅他們的男子氣概

A sure-fire way to ruin the self-esteem of a cocky colleague is to hold the door open for him, say psychologists.
Such a gesture could be taken to imply that the recipient looks needy and vulnerable.
This is likely to clash with their masculine identity and leave them deflated, professors Janice Kelly and Megan McCarty of Purdue University in Indiana suggested.
Their study, published in the journal Social Influence, found no evidence that women were effected in a similar way when men held doors for them.
The authors said even fleeting examples of unexpected help can have significant impact if they work against typical gender roles.
Men who had the door held for them by another man reported lower feelings of self-esteem and self-belief than men who did not have the door held for them.
No differences were seen in women, regardless of whether a door was held open for them or not.
(Liberty Times)


1. sure-fire adj. 必定能的 
例: This is a sure-fire way to get publicity.

2. cocky adj. 驕傲自大的 
例: Don’t get cocky just because you’ve achieved some amount of success.

3. clash with v. phr. 與…衝突 
例: The color of the curtains clashes with the color of the wall.


Thursday, May 21, 2015

High Blood Pressure 高血壓

The risks of resistant high blood pressure 頑固性高血壓 日吃三次藥仍中風


Neurosurgeon Liao Pen-li points out a 6 cm blood clot that caused hemorrhaging in the left side of a male stroke victim’s brain.

Photo: Tsai Shu-yuan, Liberty Times

1. cold snap n. ph 寒流 
例: This is just a cold snap. It should not last very long.
2. soar v 飆高 
例: Prices of vegetables often soar following a typhoon.
3. plummet v. 驟降;墜地 
例: Both engines failed, and the airplane plummeted to the ground.

Sufferers of high blood pressure often ask, “I am already on three kinds of medication. Why is it that I still had a stroke due to high blood pressure?” Doctors point out that people with resistant high blood pressure are 20 percent more likely to get a stroke than those with regular high blood pressure, and if they do not control their blood pressure or pay attention to changes in the air temperature, they are vulnerable to having a stroke.
There was a 66-year-old man, not yet retired, who had high blood pressure. Although he took three different types of medication every day to keep his blood pressure under control, he didn’t visit the clinic on a regular basis, and neither did he keep an eye on changes in his blood pressure. The result was that when a cold snap came, one cold night, he lost the strength in his arm and leg on the left side of his body and he found he had trouble walking. After he was sent to the hospital, he was diagnosed as having had a stroke brought on by soaring blood pressure. He gradually recovered after being treated in hospital.

Doctors say that 60 percent of people in Taiwan over 65 years old have high blood pressure, and some of these people take three or more kinds of hypotensive medication, but are still unable to control their blood pressure properly, or have to take as many as four types of hypotensive drug before they can control their blood pressure to within the target range. This is when they are said to have resistant high blood pressure.
When the temperature plummets it is important to keep warm in order to minimize the risk of a stroke.
(Liberty Times, translated by Paul Cooper)




名詞 Noun

動詞 Verb

形容詞 Adjective

慣用語 Idiom