Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Women's Body Confidence Is A 'Critical Issue' Worldwide, Warns Dove's Largest Ever Report 女性外貌信心調查:南非女人自認最美 中國排第五

Women's body confidence has become a "critical issue" around the world and pressure from the media is largely to blame for our low self-esteem, a new report warns. 一項最新報告指出,女性對自身外形缺乏信心已成為全球性重要問題,來自媒體的壓力是主要原因。

The Dove Global Beauty and Confidence Report, given exclusively to The Huffington Post UK, has been created using interviews with 10,500 women and girls across 13 countries and is the largest the brand has ever commissioned. 由《赫芬頓郵報》英國版獨家披露的《多芬全球美麗自信研究報告》來源於對13個國家10500位婦女和女孩的採訪。這是該品牌委託進行的最大型的調研。It found that women in the UK have one of the lowest body confidence scores in the world, with only 20% of us saying we like the way that we look. 研究發現,英國女性的外形自信位列全球最低之一,僅20%的人表示喜歡自己的外貌。

Globally, more than two-thirds of women (69%) and girls (65%) say increasing pressures from advertising and media to reach an unrealistic standard of beauty is the key force in driving their appearance anxiety.從世界範圍看,超過三分之二的婦女(69%)和女孩(65%)表示,廣告和媒體宣傳的不切實際的美麗標準,給女性造成越來越大的壓力,是導致她們外貌焦慮的主要原因。 Meanwhile, 56% of all women recognise the impact of an "always on" social media culture in driving the pressure for perfection and negative body image. 同時,56%的女性意識到,"始終線上"的社交媒體文化迫使她們追求完美,並對負面的身體形象感到壓力。

The report reveals that low body-esteem is causing the majority of women (85%) and girls (79%) to opt out of important life activities – such as trying out for a team or club, and engaging with family or loved ones – when they don't feel good about the way they look. 報告顯示,對外形缺乏自信導致大部分婦女(85%)和女孩(79%)在不滿意自己的外貌時放棄生活中的重要活動——比如參與團隊或俱樂部活動,和家人或心愛的人在一起。Additionally, seven in 10 girls with low body-esteem say they won't be assertive in their opinion or stick to their decision if they aren't happy with the way they look, while nine out of 10 (87%) women will stop themselves from eating or will otherwise put their health at risk.此外,有七成對外形不自信的女孩說,如果她們不滿意自己的外貌,就無法肯定自己的觀點或堅持自己的決定。而近九成的婦女(87%)會為此節食,或進行其他危害健康的行為。 What's more, nearly eight in 10 (78%) of both women and girls feel some pressure to never make mistakes or show weakness.還有近八成(78%)的女性,包括婦女和女孩,感受到從不犯錯或示弱的壓力。

"This latest research shows that low body confidence is a global issue," says Dr Nancy Etcoff of Harvard Medical School.哈佛醫院學院的南茜•埃特考夫博士說:"這項最新研究顯示,對外形缺乏自信是一個全球性問題。"

"Though troubling, these results are also unsurprising, given the increasing pressures women and girls face today. "考慮到當今婦女和女孩面臨的壓力持續增長,這些結果雖讓人不安,但也不足為奇。"

"We need to help empower women and girls in many ways, including increasing body-confidence education, driving meaningful conversations around the pressures women and girls face, and advocating for change in how females and their appearance are talked about and portrayed in the media." "我們需要以各種方式説明婦女和女孩獲得力量,包括開展增強外形自信的教育,圍繞她們面臨的壓力進行有意義的交流,並且宣導女性及其形象在媒體報導和呈現上的改變。"

The report found that beauty and appearance anxiety is a global issue, but one that women are experiencing differently by culture and country.該報告發現,美麗和外貌焦慮是一個全球性問題,但女性的體驗會因為身處不同國家和文化環境而不同。While women in South Africa are the most body confident with 64% saying they have "high body-esteem", women in the UK come in 12th out of 13 countries, with only 20% of us saying we feel good about the way we look. 南非女性對自身外形的自信程度最高,有64%的女性表示"對外形高度自信"。而英國女性在13個國家中排名第12位,只有20%表示滿意自己的外貌。

Percentage Of Women Who Feel Body Confident 對外形感到自信的女性比例:

1. South Africa: 64%
1. 南非:64%

2. Russia: 45%
2. 俄羅斯:45%

3. Turkey: 42%
3. 土耳其:42%

4. India: 40%
4. 印度:40%

5. China: 37%
5. 中國:37%

6. Mexico: 36%
6. 墨西哥:36%

7. Germany: 34%
7. 德國:34%

8. Brazil: 27%
8. 巴西:27%

9. US: 24%
9. 美國:24%

10. Canada: 22%
10. 加拿大:22%

11. Australia: 20%
11. 澳大利亞:20%

12. UK: 20%
12. 英國:20%

13. Japan: 8%
13. 日本:8%

But it's not all bad news for women and girls when it comes to body image. 但婦女和女性在身體形象方面也並非都是壞消息。 The report reveals there is a pro-active desire among females to challenge existing beauty norms.報告顯示,女性中存在一種主動挑戰現行美麗標準的渴望。 A total of 71% of women and 67% of girls want to call on the media to do a better job portraying women of diverse physical appearance, age, race, shape and size. 71%的婦女和67%的女孩希望呼籲媒體做出改善,更好地塑造不同外貌、年齡、種族、身材和體型的女性形象。 Additionally, while 60% of women believe they need to meet certain beauty standards, at the same time, 77% agree it is important to be their own person and not copy anyone else. 此外,儘管60%的婦女認為她們需要符合一定的美麗標準,而同時,77%的人同意堅持自我、不模仿他人是重要的。

For many women and girls, the key to breaking a cycle of beauty and appearance anxiety seems to be the experience of taking time to care for their minds, body and appearance. 對於許多婦女和女孩來說,打破美麗和外貌焦慮的關鍵,似乎在於花費時間關愛自己的心靈、身體和外貌。In fact, seven in 10 women and eight in 10 girls report feeling more confident or positive when they invest time in caring for themselves. 實際上,七成婦女和八成女孩報告稱在投入時間關懷自己時感到更自信、更積極。

Friday, August 11, 2017

Did the first flower look like this?花朵"始祖”長啥樣?像白蓮花和白百合結合體

All living flowers ultimately derive from a single ancestor that lived about 140 million years ago, a study suggests. 一項研究表明,地球上現存的所有花卉都起源於1.4億年前的同一個"祖先"。
Scientists combined models of flower evolution with the largest data set of features from living flowers ever assembled. 科學家將花卉演化的模型與最大的現存鮮花的特徵資料集組合在一起。 From this the team was able to infer the appearance of the ancestral flower.該研究團隊據此推測出鮮花始祖的樣貌。The flower had many concentric cycles of petal-like organs in sets of three, arranged in whorls, and was bisexual.這種鮮花雌雄同體,花瓣以同心圓方式環繞成多層,每層三片,層層呈齒輪狀分佈。

Hervé Sauquet, from Université Paris-Sud, France, one of the authors of the paper published last week in Nature Communications said: "There is no living flower that looks exactly like the ancestral one. This is a flower that existed at least 140 million years ago and has had considerable time to evolve into the incredible diversity of flowers that exist today."《自然通訊》上周刊載了這篇論文。法國巴黎第十一大學的埃爾韋•索凱是論文的作者之一。他說,"現存的所有花朵都與它們的祖先不同,原因在於鮮花始祖存在于至少1.4億年前,經過了相當長的時間才演變出今天的多樣性。"

Dr Jason Hilton from the University of Birmingham, UK, who was not involved in the study, said: "The structure and organization of the ancestral flower has remained enigmatic. For instance, we don't know if the oldest flowers were unisexual or bisexual, or if they were pollinated by wind or insects." 英國伯明罕大學的傑森•希爾頓博士沒有參加這項研究,他稱:"鮮花始祖的結構和組織依然還是個謎。例如,我們不知道最古老的花朵是單性的還是雙性的,或是依靠風還是昆蟲授粉。"

To reconstruct the appearance of the first flower, the scientists recorded the features - such as the petals and sepals - of the flowers from 792 living species. 為了重現世上第一朵鮮花的外觀,科學家記錄了792種現存花卉的花瓣、萼片等外形特徵。They mapped the distribution of these features on to the evolutionary tree of flowering plants enabling them to build a picture of what flowers looked like at key points in their history - including the last common ancestor of all living flowers. 他們將這些特徵分佈繪製成開花植物的進化樹,從而重現花卉在關鍵的進化節點上的樣貌,其中就包括所有現存花卉的最後一個共同祖先的樣子。

The first flower is reconstructed with petal-like structures arranged in a whorl, so each petal appears in the same plane, like a common lily (but with more whorls), rather than in a spiral, where petals overlap in a spiral arrangement around the stem, like a lotus. 第一朵鮮花被重構成齒輪狀排列的花瓣狀結構,像一朵常見的百合(但花瓣更多),所有花瓣出現在同一個平面裡,而非像蓮花一樣花瓣圍繞花莖重疊呈螺旋狀排列。

Learn Full Lotus Pose - Preparatory Stretches

"For some of the features we studied, the result was surprising, especially the fact that organs (such as sepals and petals and the stamens) were probably arranged in whorls instead of spirals, as commonly assumed for the ancestral flower," said Hervé Sauquet. 埃爾韋•索凱說:"關於鮮花始祖特徵的一些研究結果讓我們感到意外,特別是它的器官(如萼片、花瓣、雄蕊)可能是齒輪狀排列的,而並非是人們通常認為的螺旋狀"。

Sex evolution in flowers has been highly debated. Flowers can be unisexual or bisexual and this study infers a bisexual early flower with both male and female organs. 花的性進化一直備受爭議,鮮花可以是單性或雙性的。這項研究推斷花卉祖先是兩性的,同時擁有雄性和雌性器官。

"This study is important as it tells us how complicated the ancestral flower is likely to be - now the search is on to find it or something closely resembling it in the fossil record. That's if the model is correct - only time (and further study) will tell," said Jason Hilton. 傑森•希爾頓說。"這項研究意義重大,因為它告訴我們鮮花始祖可能有多複雜,現在研究者正努力在化石中搜尋它或此類東西。只有時間和進一步研究才能證明,這個鮮花始祖模型是否正確。"

Safely Getting Into Full Lotus Position, Padmasana for Beginners with Kino MacGregor


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