Monday, October 30, 2017

Sheriff: Stop calling 911, ‘body’ is Halloween display 警長說,別再報警,「屍體」是萬聖節裝飾佈置

  1. inundated with:遭……淹沒;充斥。例句:Super stars like her are often inundated with fan mails.(像她這樣的巨星們常收到如雪片般飛來的粉絲來信。)
  2. lifelike:形容詞,栩栩如生的。
  3. take something off:脫掉(衣、帽……)。例句:The boys took off their shirts and shoes and swam in the stream.(男孩們脫掉襯衫與鞋子在溪裡游泳)。

A Tennessee sheriff’s office is asking people not to call the agency about a “body” trapped under a closed, blood-stained garage door.美國)田納西州的一個警長辦公室要求民眾不要來電報案說,有一具「屍體」被卡在關起來的染血的車庫門下面。That’s because the scene at a home in Greene County isn’t real; it’s an early Halloween display. 因為這個出現在葛林郡一處民宅的景象不是真的;那是提早佈置的萬聖節裝飾。The Greene County Sheriff’s Department says it has been inundated with so many calls about the lifelike display that it posted a message Wednesday on the agency’s Facebook page to let people know it’s not real.葛林郡警察局說,該局接獲有關此一栩栩如生的裝飾佈置的報案電話接到手軟,為此週三在警局臉書專頁上貼文,讓民眾知道那不是真的。 

“Do NOT call 911 reporting a dead body,” says the post, which includes a photo. “Instead, congratulate the homeowner on a great display.”「別打電話報警說有一具屍體,」該貼文說,還附上一張照片。「而是應該就裝飾佈置很棒恭賀屋主。」 

Homeowner Joseph Lovergive told WJHL-TV that his family loves Halloween and always decorates early. He said deputies who responded to the first call took the boot off the stuffed clothing to make sure it wasn’t real. (AP)屋主約瑟夫.羅佛吉夫告訴WJHL電視台,他的家人很愛萬聖節,總是七早八早就著手佈置。他說,回應第1通報案電話而前來查看的員警,還脫掉在衣服裡塞東西做成的假屍體腳上的靴子,以確認那真的不是屍體。(美聯社)

Friday, October 27, 2017

Why cold doesn’t give you a cold 著涼感冒 無關穿多穿少

  1. catch a cold phr. 感冒
  2. misconception n. 誤解
  3. feel a chill n. 發冷
  4. pathogen n. 病原
  5. sneeze v. 打噴嚏

People often attribute catching a cold to being exposed to cold temperatures, believing that staying warm can prevent illness. The Ministry of Health and Welfare’s Centers for Disease Control (CDC), however, says there is no scientific basis for this belief.
CDC deputy director-general Philip Lo says this common misconception may be due to the fact that cold sufferers can develop symptoms like feeling chills and shaking, as well as the increase in numbers of cold sufferers in the winter.
According to Lo, a US study divided people into two groups, with one asked to stay in a cold storage room kept at 4 degrees Celsius, and the other in a hot spring. The study found the risks of catching a cold were about the same for both groups, and concluded that changes in temperature are not directly linked to the chances of catching a cold.
Lo says the key factor that leads to colds is the amount of pathogens present. The reason there are more cold sufferers when temperature drops, he said, is that viruses live longer, and are more contagious, in colder weather.
The government is offering free flu vaccines and is urging people eligible for the free service to get vaccinated as soon as possible.
Members of the public who develop symptoms such as fever and coughing, which may indicate flu, are advised to wear a mask when going out, or to cover their mouth and nose with their sleeve or handkerchief when coughing or sneezing, to prevent the virus from spreading.
(Liberty Times, translated by Tu Yu-an)

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Sunday, October 22, 2017

Diwali 排燈節

Diwali, or Deepavali, is one of the most popular festivals of Hinduism, celebrated throughout India and in many other countries around the world.
A longstanding tradition dating back to ancient times in India, it is celebrated every year over five days between mid-October and mid-November in the northern hemisphere. This year, it started on Tuesday and wraps up today. The main festivities took place on Thursday, the third day of the festival.
The name diwali derives from the Sanskrit words dipam, meaning “light, lamp” and oli, for “glow of light.” The festival signifies the victory of light over darkness, of good over evil, hope over despair, and of knowledge over ignorance.
The first day, Dhanteras, is all about celebrating wealth. People clean their houses thoroughly in preparation for this day, in order to welcome Lakshmi, the goddess of prosperity, into their homes.
On the main day, the third of the five days, fireworks are set off, and diyas — small clay lamps — and candles are placed around the home. This is what gives diwali the name “the festival of lights.”
(Paul Cooper, Taipei Times)


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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Nepal’s female climbers blaze trails for themselves 尼泊爾女性登山家勇猛踏出自己的路


  1. expertise:名詞,專門知識;專門技術。例句:Professor Wang’s expertise is chemical engineering. (王教授的專長是化學工程。)
  2. scale:動詞,攀登;到達…的頂點。例句:We used to scale the elephant mountain on weekends. (我們以前週末都去爬象山。)
  3. stay behind:慣用語,留下來;保持下去。

When a deadly avalanche hit Mount Everest a year ago, Pasang Lhamu Sherpa Akita, one of the few Nepali women with expertise in climbing the world’s highest peaks, headed straight there to help.珠穆朗瑪峰1年前的一場致命雪崩後,少數擁有攀登這座世界最高峰專業技術的尼泊爾女性之一阿琪塔,一馬當先前往救災。

A gifted mountaineer who had summited Everest by the age of 22, she is part of a new generation of Sherpa women who are climbing peaks that have traditionally only been scaled by their men. 她是一名天賦異稟的登山家,22歲時就已成功登上珠峰,是能夠攀登高峰的新一代雪巴族女性。傳統上,能夠攀登高峰的都是該族群的男性。

"People think mountaineering is a man’s job, but I think we need more women in the mountains," the 31-year-old said. 31歲的阿琪塔說:「人們認為登山是男人的事情,但我覺得必須讓更多女人有能力登山。
Generations of men from Nepal’s famed Sherpa community have climbed the Himalayas, while their wives and daughters have traditionally kept the home fires burning.尼泊爾的雪巴族名聞遐邇,世代以來都是由男性攀登喜馬拉雅山,他們的妻子和女兒須按照傳統留守家中。

But in a sign of changing times, a string of Sherpa women are now breaking records themselves, not only on 8,848-metre (29,029-foot) high Everest but other dangerous peaks. 然而,隨著時代變遷,一群雪巴族女性現在創造自己的紀錄,不僅登上海拔8848公尺(2萬9029英尺)的珠峰,也登上其他險惡的高峰。

In the year since Nepal’s massive earthquake, which triggered avalanches and landslides that killed almost 9,000 people, they have also led rescue and relief efforts.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Full-moon arrives two days late for this year’s Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋月今年不圓 天文館:真正月圓要晚兩天

1.Mid-Autumn Festival n. 中秋節 
 2.full moon n. 月圓、滿月 
3.moon cake n. 月餅 
4.telescope n. 望遠鏡 

Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival — a day traditionally celebrated by family reunion, enjoying the full moon and eating moon cakes. However, the Taipei Astronomical Museum (TAM) has pointed out that the moon on the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival this year is not really a full moon; the actual full moon will in fact occur two days later on Friday Oct. 6 (Aug. 17 in the lunar calendar) at 2:40am in the morning. As such, the moon that we will see this mid-autumn evening is not a true full moon: Around 2 percent of the moon will be hidden in the dark and not visible. 今天是中秋節,也是全家團圓在一起賞月、吃月餅的日子。但台北市立天文科學教育館指出,今年中秋節不是滿月的日子,真正的月圓時間是在六日(農曆八月十七日),即本週五的凌晨二時四十分,在日期上晚了兩天。因此我們今年中秋夜見到的月亮並不圓,整個月面還有約百分之二仍隱在黑暗中不可見。

The TAM also invites the public to take part in a Mid-Autumn Festival special event that will take place between 7pm and 9pm and will include five activity areas and 22 astronomical telescopes for the public to photograph and enjoy the moon. 天文館也表示,今天晚間七時至九時將舉辦中秋特別活動,共有五大活動區、二十二部天文望遠鏡邀民眾一同拍月、賞月。

There is also an exhibition called “Take me to the moon” on display in the museum’s first floor lobby which will stay open through to Dec. 24. The exhibition includes a brief introduction to the moon, a history of human exploration of the moon, as well as educational games such as the popular “lunar sea fantasy” game and full-moon puzzles for children and adults to explore and enjoy. 天文館即日起至十二月二十四日,也在一樓大廳舉辦「帶我去月球展」,包括月球簡介、人類探索月球計劃,以及小朋友喜愛的月海想像與滿月拼圖小遊戲等,歡迎大小朋友參觀。 (中央社)

 (CNA, translated by Lin Lee-kai) 

DID YOU KNOW? 你知道嗎? 
As the matter of fact, the chances of having full moon on the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival are not very high. In the 45-year period starting from 1986 and ending in 2030, there will be only 15 instances of a full moon on the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival — the odds are only one-in-three. The last time there was a full moon on the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival was Sept. 19, 2013 and the next time will be on Sept. 21, 2021. 中秋節當天是滿月的機率其實並沒有非常高。從一九八六年到二○三○年的四十五年期間,將有十五次中秋適逢滿月,其占比不過是三分之一左右而已。上一次的中秋滿月是二○一三年九月十九日,而下一次的中秋滿月將是二○二一年九月二十一日。 

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Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Pomelo picking tips for Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋節吃文旦 挑柚技巧學三招!

"Happy Mid-Autumn  Moon Festival!" (中秋節快樂)

1. citrus adj. 柑橘的
2. pomelo n. 柚子
3. pulp n. 果肉
4. ripe adj. 成熟
5. wrinkle n.皺紋
6. juicy adj.多汁

The pomelo, scientific name citrus maxima, is a kind of citrus fruit that has been cultivated to produce a variety of strains. Wendan is a type of pomelo, and other kinds include the honey pomelo, peiyu (citrus grandis Osbeck), pink grapefruit and grapefruit. Wendan comes in varieties with red pulp or lime white pulp, depending on where they are grown. Whatever their origin, they are collectively known as “wendan pomelo.” 柚是柑橘類果樹,其學名為Citrus maxima,經育種後有不同的品種,所以文旦是柚子的一種,其他還有蜜柚、白柚、紅柚及葡萄柚等多樣品種;而文旦又會因環境不同而有紅肉與白肉的果實之分,但不管是在台灣哪個產地,通常柚農們泛稱文旦為「文旦柚」。
We should put aside the idea that “bigger is better” when buying wendan pomelos, which are only available in the season around Mid-Autumn Festival. The following are some tips on how to pick the perfect pomelo: 針對中秋節才吃得到的「文旦柚」,在選購時要屏除以往「水果選越大的越好」的觀念,選購時應掌握以下原則:
Tip 1: Bigger bottom, small in size 第一、下盤要穩重,個子要嬌小
“The tumbler principle”: pick the smaller sized wendan pomelos with pointed tip, short neck, and wider bottom. 「不倒翁原則」:建議依小顆的下手,選擇頭尖、頸短、下盤寬的文旦柚。
Pointed tip and short neck means rich pulp and thin rind, and wider bottom means the fruit is riper. However, avoid pomelos that tilt when placed on a table. 頭尖、頸短代表果肉充足皮又薄,底部寬大代表文旦柚越成熟,如果發現放在桌上文旦柚會歪斜,就應避免選購。
Tip 2: Weighty and wrinkled 第二、重量重且呈現皺紋
Juicy pulp is an important factor for the taste of wendan pomelos: weighty pomelos mean juicy pomelos. In addition, if the peel is wrinkled, it means the moisture of the peel has been fully absorbed by the pulp, in which case the fruit will be juicy and full of taste. 多汁的果肉是文旦柚美味的重要因素,重量重代表內含的水分多。另外,如果外皮呈現皺紋,代表柚皮的水分已經被吸收到果肉裡,此時吃起來的口感就會是多汁又飽滿喔!
Tip 3: Color and peel show the ripeness 第三、 顏色、外皮代表熟度
If the pomelo’s peel is yellow, it is ready to eat; if green, it is better to wait until it turns yellow. Next, look out for bumps on the peel: if the peel is smooth and shiny, the fruit is not yet ripe, and it is best to wait before eating it; if the peel is wrinkled and is not very smooth, you know it is ready to eat. 柚子的外觀若是黃色,代表可以直接吃,綠色則是要等一段時間轉為黃色後,口感較佳。再來可以看外皮的顆粒,如果飽滿有光澤,表示尚未成熟,還需久放再吃,若是外皮已經呈現皺褶、沒那麼光滑,就代表可以吃囉!
(Liberty Times, translated by Lin Lee-kai)


名詞 Noun

動詞 Verb

形容詞 Adjective

慣用語 Idiom