Thursday, March 22, 2018


1. detoxification n. 排毒 
例: The liver is one of the most important organs for body detoxification. (肝臟是體內排毒最重要的器官之一。)

2. apply to v. phr. 適用 
例: That bit of the form is for UK citizens — it doesn’t apply to you. (表格的那一部分是讓英國公民填寫,你不適用。)

3. onset n.發作 
例: The new treatment can delay the onset of the disease by several years. (這種新療法可讓此病發作的時間延緩數年。)

A healthy lifestyle — eating healthy, drinking plenty of water and exercising — is important to detoxifying because it enables our body to do what is intended to do.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

The Origin of Saint Patrick’s Day 聖派翠克節的由來

Saint Patrick’s Day, which falls on March 17 every year, is one of the most important festive days in the Irish tradition, and commemorates the death of Ireland’s patron saint. On this day, Irish people around the world hold a variety of activities celebrating the cultural heritage of the Irish tradition.聖派翠克節是愛爾蘭傳統中最重要的慶祝節日之一,落在每年的三月十七日,以紀念這位愛爾蘭守護聖者的逝世。在這一天,世界各地的愛爾蘭裔都會舉行各式各樣的慶祝活動,以歡慶歷史悠久的愛爾蘭傳統文化。
Today, little is known of the life of Saint Patrick. He is thought to have been born in the Roman Britain of the 5th century AD. At the age of sixteen, Patrick was captured by a group of Irish marauders and taken to Ireland, where he was forced to work as a shepherd. Tending sheep in the valleys and hills, Patrick acquired knowledge of the Celtic language and became familiar with primeval Druidism. One evening, it is said, Patrick was admonished by an angel, who guided him to travel two hundred miles away and find a ship to escape on. 關於聖派翠克的一生,我們今日所知不多。據說,派翠克於西元五世紀出生在羅馬帝國統治下的英格蘭。十六歲時,他被愛爾蘭的海盜擄走,輾轉成為奴隸,被帶到愛爾蘭牧羊。在山谷間和山坡上牧羊的時日裡,他學會當地的塞爾特語,也認識了原始的德魯伊教。某天晚上,聖派翠克獲得天使的警醒,指引他徒步走了兩百英里,最後在海邊找到一艘船,逃離奴隸生活。
After arriving on the English shore, Patrick walked, barefoot, for another 28 days in the wilderness. Enduring hunger and defending the attacks of wild animals, Patrick finally reached home, and decided to study Christianity. Years of diligent study later, Patrick was accepted into the priesthood, and determined to devote himself to missionary work, setting out for Ireland, the land in which he had been held captive for six years. 好不容易回到英格蘭上岸後,聖派翠克在荒野中步行整整二十八日,忍耐著飢餓,抵禦野獸的攻擊,最後終於回到了家,致力修習基督教。經過多年不懈的努力,他被賦予司鐸一職,便決心前往當年囚禁他六年之久的蠻荒之地──愛爾蘭,投身於當地的宣教工作。
Familiar with the local language and primal religion, Patrick kept a humble profile. He had walked through the Irish land and baptized people of every social class. His missionary work in Ireland, however, did not always go smoothly. One time, he was attacked by local Irish people, but was saved by his quick thinking. Plucking an ordinary shamrock, he used the triple leaf and single stem of the plant to illustrate the holy trinity of Christianity. It is also said that Saint Patrick performed miracles, banishing evil creatures from the land. Folklore attributes the fact that there are no native species of snake existing in Ireland to Saint Patrick’s activities. 熟稔當地語言與宗教的派翠克,是一位謙遜的傳道者,足跡踏遍愛爾蘭各地,為各種階層的人受洗。然而,他的宣教工作並不總是一帆風順。據說,聖派翠克某次差點遭到當地人的攻擊,便急中生智。從草叢中拔起一株隨處可見的三葉草,用這種植物三個葉片長在同一段莖頂端的現象,向愛爾蘭人證明基督教三位一體的概念。又有傳言,他曾經展現神蹟,把邪惡的生物全數趕進海裡。愛爾蘭當地沒有任何原生蛇類,在民俗傳說中被認為是聖派翠克當年的功勞。

Today, people wear green and put on shamrock ornaments to commemorate Saint Patrick’s missionary efforts and his contribution to Ireland. On this day, bands perform traditional Irish folk songs on the streets or in the bars in Ireland, as well as in Irish communities around the world. 今日,人們會穿上綠色的衣服,佩戴三葉草的裝飾,以紀念聖派翠克的貢獻。在聖派翠克節這天,包括愛爾蘭以及世界各地的愛爾蘭裔社區,都會有樂團在街上或酒館裡演奏,唱著古老的民謠。
(Chang Ho-ming, Taipei Times)

Thursday, March 15, 2018

A Spring View 春望

國破山河在 城春草木深
感時花濺淚 恨別鳥驚心
烽火連三月 家書抵萬金
白頭搔更短 渾欲不勝簪
Though a country be sundered, hills and rivers endure;
And spring comes green again to trees and grasses
Where petals have been shed like tears
And lonely birds have sung their grief.
...After the war-fires of three months,
One message from home is worth a ton of gold.
...I stroke my white hair. It has grown too thin
To hold the hairpins any more.


Sunday, March 4, 2018

Sitting Too Much Ages You By 8 Years 久坐不起讓你老8歲


  • sedentary:形容詞,久坐的,坐慣的。例句:A sedentary person, no matter how busy he is, should take time out for exercise.(一個坐久的人,無論他有多忙,都應該抽出時間運動。)
  • premature:形容詞,早熟的,過早的。例句:Babies born before completion of week 37 are premature.(嬰兒在滿37週以前出生算是早產。)
  • fray:動詞,使…磨損,使…緊張。例句:His shirt was frayed at the neck.(他的襯衫領口磨損。)

Women who spend too much time sitting down speed up the aging process. Sitting for more than ten hours a day gives women a ’biological age’ up to eight years older than it should be, according to a new study. 花太多時間久坐的婦女會加速老化過程。根據一項新研究,一天久坐超過10小時,將使女性的「生物年齡」較其應有的程度還老8歲之多。

The researchers, who tracked the movements of 1,481 women over the age of 64, found a strong link between a sedentary lifestyle and the premature aging of cells in the body. Women who were more sedentary had shorter and more frayed telomeres, which scientists use to calculate ’biological age’.研究人員追蹤1481名64歲以上婦女的活動,發現久坐生活型態與體內細胞提早老化有強烈關聯。坐更久的婦女擁有較短、更磨損的端粒,科學家使用端粒來計算「生物年齡」。

Telomeres naturally shorten with age, but health and lifestyle factors - such as smoking and obesity - can accelerate the process. Shortened telomeres are linked with heart disease, diabetes and cancer. However, just half an hour of moderate exercise might undo the damage. 端粒會隨著年齡增長自然縮短,但健康及生活型態因素──例如吸菸和肥胖──會加速這個過程。縮短的端粒與心臟病、糖尿病和癌症有關。不過,只要半小時的溫和運動,即可抵消這個損害。

"We found that women who sat longer did not have shorter telomere length if they exercised for at least 30 minutes a day," said lead author Aladdin Shadyab.研究主筆阿拉汀.莎迪耶指出:「我們發現,坐得較久的婦女未必端粒長度會較短,但前提是一天運動至少30分鐘。」


名詞 Noun

動詞 Verb

形容詞 Adjective

慣用語 Idiom