Saturday, November 11, 2017

Smart people are more likely to suffer from mental illness 聰明人更可能苦於精神疾病


  1. woe:名詞,痛苦,悲哀。例句:Mary’s life was full of woe.(瑪麗的生活充滿痛苦。)
  2. susceptible:形容詞,易感染的,易罹患的。例句:Older patients are more susceptible to infections.(年老病患更易受到感染。)
  3. jumpy:形容詞,神經質的,神經過敏的。例句:My mother gets very jumpy when she’s alone in the house.(當我母親一人在家時,她變得非常神經質。)

Intelligent people have double the risk of mental illness compared to their lesser-intelligent peers - and more often suffer anxiety-related physical woes, a new study has found.一項新研究發現,聰明人罹患精神疾病的風險高出兩倍,且更常受苦於焦慮相關的身體痛苦,相對於較不聰明的同輩而言。

Researchers surveyed 3,715 members of MENSA, where having a IQ of above 130 is a requirement. They were asked to report whether they had been diagnoses with mental illnesses, including anxiety, depression and other disorders. 研究人員對3715名智力評鑑機構「門薩國際」會員進行調查,其入會條件是智商130以上。他們被要求報告是否曾被診斷出精神疾病,包括焦慮、憂鬱或其他疾患。

The study found 20 percent of the intelligent group suffered anxiety and depression, compared to 10 percent of the general population. Intriguingly, the participants also seemed more susceptible to asthma, allergies and poor immunity. 研究發現,這個聰明團體中有20%的人受苦於焦慮與憂鬱,相較一般大眾的10%。有趣的是,這些受試者似乎也更易罹患氣喘、過敏且免疫力差。

The study showed that more intelligent people often have what is called a "hyperexcitable brain." This means that a higher IQ leads to a greater awareness of their surroundings and what is going on. This causes the central nervous system to be more reactive, making intelligent people more ’jumpy’. 研究顯示,較聰明的人通常擁有所謂「過度興奮的大腦」。這意味高智商導致他們更留意周遭和正在發生之事物。這造成中樞神經系統更有反應,使得聰明人更為「神經過敏」。

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