Sunday, December 24, 2017

The passing of the winter solstice means that the new year is coming 進入冬至後也意味著,新的一年即將來臨

The winter solstice, which falls on December 21-23 in the solar calendar, is the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. Traditionally in Taiwan, the winter solstice is the time to eat warm glutinous rice balls, but in the North of China, others make up a bowl of wonton and dumplings. The tradition of the winter solstice festival dates back to the Song Dynasty. It was one of the three major public holidays. The "Winter Solstice, New Year's Day and the Qingming Holiday" were held on the 7th. Both the wonton, the dumplings and the glutinous rice balls were separated from the sacrificial rites. 中國傳統二十四節氣之一的冬至,陽曆12月21至23日之間,是生活在北半球的我們一年中白天時間最短的日子。在台灣的傳統,冬至就是要吃湯圓暖身,但在大陸華北地區,冬至也有食補,只不過人家補的是一碗碗的餛飩和餃子。冬至過節的傳統最早能上溯至宋代,是當時民眾與官員的三大假之一,「冬至、年初一和清明得休假7日」,而無論是餛飩、餃子或是湯圓,都與祭神脫離不了關係。

In the past, agricultural societies’ farming and rest rules throughout the year followed the sun. The passing of the winter solstice means that the new year is coming. Society in a state of rest must take this opportunity to cede all things from top to bottom and pray for blessings in the coming year. 在過去的農業社會中,二十四個節氣運行主管著全年的耕作與休息規律,進入冬至後也意味著,新的一年即將來臨。處於休息狀態的社會,從上到下都必須趁此機會巴結上天,祈求保佑來年風調雨順、農產富饒,民眾和百官也藉此時拜訪親故敘舊。

In Taiwan, you often hear elders say to their children that, "Every solstice when you eat the rice ball wonton soup, you grow a year older” hoping they’ll  grow up peacefully. However, even if modern society is busy, the Winter Solstice still has its symbolic significance for many people. Whether you are eating glutinous rice balls or wontons, or eating sweet sesame dumplings or Hakka salty dumplings, the Winter Solstice is of the utmost importance to the Chinese community. The deeper meaning is "reunion". While rushing around for more than six months out of the year, at this time rest, enjoy family and friends. 在台灣,最常聽見長輩對孩子們說,「冬節圓仔食落加一歲」(冬至吃湯圓會長一歲),期望晚輩能平安長大。然而,即便現代社會再忙,冬至對許多人而言仍有其象徵意義,無論你吃的是湯圓或是餛飩、或著是吃甜的芝麻湯圓或客家的鹹湯圓,冬至在華人社會最重要的意義是「團聚」,在外奔波了大半年,於此時和家人或跟你身邊的親友團聚,重享天倫之樂。

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