Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Yoga for Clean Lungs 對肺友幫助的瑜珈

Deep breathing, Yunlin’s most dangerous exercise 深呼吸,雲林的最危險的運動

Members of the Yunlin County Physician’s Group on Monday last week gather in Yunlin to demand that the public gets clean air.

Photo: Chan Shih-hung, Liberty Times 照片: 自由時報記者詹士弘攝

Deep breathing has become Yunlin County’s most dangerous exercise. On April 27, the spokesperson of Yunlin County Physician’s Group stated that he used to think Yunlin’s air was the cleanest in Taiwan, but now knows that there is a risk with each breath. If the government still does not address the pollution problem, no matter how much is spent on health insurance, it will never be enough.
Taiwan’s air quality has already worsened to the same level as China. The invisible nature of the hazard makes it only more worrying. PM2.5, which refers to particles smaller than 2.5 micrometers, is an invisible killer, making air pollution in Taiwan a matter of national security. The government must take more proactive measures, regulate the sources of pollution and control and manage overall pollution levels.
A doctor from Yunlin said, we can choose not to drink tea beverages from chains like 50 Lan or Stornaway, but we can not go a minute without breathing air. PM2.5 will raise the chances of the public getting asthma and lung cancer. Even foreign research indicates that dust under PM2.5 can be transferred to the brain through the alveolus and even lead to dementia.
The doctor said that when he found out that Yunlin had Taiwan’s worst air quality, it left him quite shocked. Big factories only create pollution for Yunlin; their taxes do not contribute anything to Yunlin. Yunlin used to have the best air quality, and now taking a deep breath has become the most dangerous exercise in this county. The government really must face up to this problem.
(Liberty Times, translated by Zane Kheir)


1. worsen v. 惡化 
例: Relations between Japan and China have worsened recently.
2. proactive adj. 積極 
例: Proactive students can easily improve their English.
3. contribute v.貢獻 
例: I hope my work will contribute something to the team.


This story has been viewed 3461 times.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Yoga for Balance 平衡瑜珈

Ballerina brain holds secret to balance 女芭蕾舞者的大腦掌握平衡的秘密

1. dizzy adj.頭暈目眩的 
例: She was dizzy and close to fainting.(她頭暈還差點昏倒。)
2. rotation n.旋轉 
例: Rotation of the hips is a key element in classical ballet. (骨盤向外旋轉是古典芭蕾的一個重要元素。)
3. puzzle v.困惑 
例: The students were puzzled by the teacher’s odd explanation.(老師奇怪的解釋讓同學們感到困惑。)

Years of training cause structural changes in a ballerina’s brain that help her stay balanced in the pirouette, said a report on Sept. 27 that may aid the treatment of chronic dizziness.
Brain scans of professional ballerinas revealed differences from other people in two parts of the brain, one that processes input from the balancing organs in the inner ear, and another responsible for the perception of dizziness.
Most people, after turning around rapidly, feel dizzy for a period thereafter.
This is because of the fluid-filled chambers of the ear’s balance organs, which sense the rotation of the head through tiny hairs that perceive the fluid swishing about. The fluid continues to move for a while after the spin — which creates the perception that one is moving when still — hence the dizziness.
Ballet dancers can perform multiple pirouettes with little or no feeling of dizziness — a feat that has long puzzled researchers.
The pirouette sees a dancer execute one or more full-body turns on the toe or ball of one foot.
“Ballet dancers seem to be able to train themselves not to get dizzy, so we wondered whether we could use the same principles to help our patients,” Barry Seemungal from Imperial College London’s medicine department said in a statement on the study published in the journal Cerebral Cortex.


Friday, September 25, 2015

Full Moon Salutations 滿月瑜珈

Yes, you can blame the moon for a bad night’s sleep是的 都是月亮惹禍害你睡不好

1. tossing and turning idiom 輾轉反側
例: She was tossing and turning all night. (她整夜輾轉反側。)
2. doze off v. phr. 打瞌睡 
例: He dozed off in the armchair.  (他在扶手椅上打盹。)
3. anecdotal adj. 趣聞軼事般的
例: Gray’s book is anecdotal and entertaining. (格雷的書充滿奇聞,很有娛樂性。)

If you were tossing and turning at your pillow, you are not necessarily going crazy. The full moon might be to blame for your poor sleep.
In the days close to a full moon, people take longer to doze off, sleep less deeply, and sleep for a shorter time, even if the moon is not shining in their window, a new study has found.
Anecdotal evidence has long suggested that people’s sleep patterns, moods, and even aggression, is linked to moon cycles.
Between 2000 and 2003, biologist Christian Cajochen of the University of Basel in Switzerland and his colleagues collected detailed data on the sleep patterns of 33 healthy volunteers.
Using electroencephalograms (EEG), which measure brain activity, they recorded how deep and how long each participant’s nightly sleep was in a controlled, laboratory setting. They found a striking association between poor sleep and lunar cycles.
(Liberty Times)


This story has been viewed 3961 times.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Much ado about biking 租借單車釀衝突 男大生與婦人互毆

Yoga for Cyclists with Tim Senesi

Teenagers use a YouBike rental station in New Taipei City on Aug. 7.

Photo: He Yu-hua, Liberty Times

At about 10:00pm on the evening of May 18, a male college student surnamed Lin was standing in line outside Exit Four of National Taiwan University Hospital MRT Station, waiting to hire a YouBike. After a member of the public returned a bicycle, Lin went forward to take it. At the same time, a woman surnamed Yang scurried up beside him and, without consulting Lin, moved in front to take the bicycle. Feeling perturbed, Lin rushed forward to swipe his EasyCard. As Lin was preparing to take the bike out and leave, Yang placed some items she was carrying into the bike’s front basket. Lin angrily admonished Yang, saying: “You didn’t wait in line.” They then traded blows, after which they each reported the incident to the police, with Yang accusing Lin of damaging her mobile phone and Lin accusing Yang of injuring his left forearm.
The Taipei District Protectors’ Office summoned both parties to court. Lin expressed his desire that the matter could be resolved peacefully and, as a gesture of goodwill, dropped his complaint. Seeing that Lin did not wish to pursue his charges, Yang said she was willing to forgive the young man, and she too withdrew her complaint. In view of this, prosecutors did not indict either of them.
(Liberty Times, translated by Edward Jones)

Yoga for Cyclists with former Olympian Ditte Kotzian


1. rush v. 搶先 
例: People often rush to buy up food before a typhoon hits.

2. admonish v. 大罵 
例: Peter was admonished by his wife for forgetting her birthday yet again.

3. trade blows v. phr. 大打出手 
例: The couple traded blows after disagreeing on which movie to see.

                                             Restoration Yoga after cycling with Helder Gomes

English-Chinese (traditional)

Monday, July 13, 2015

The Yoga for the Bros 真男人練瑜珈


  • trademark vt. 註冊商標 & n. 商標
  • twist sth into... 將某物扭曲成 Sarah twisted the wire into the shape of a star.
  • pretzel n. 椒鹽脆餅

Now, a new trend has started called Broga, which is the manlier version of yoga. In 2009, Robert Sidoti trademarked the name Broga, and he has licensed more than 200 Broga instructors since then. The main fear men have of going to a yoga class is that they will look foolish in front of a room full of women. Many men might feel embarrassed if they could not touch their toes while all the women beside them are twisting their bodies into pretzels. 現在,一種名為哥兒們瑜珈的新潮流已經展開,這是一種較為陽剛版本的瑜珈。 2009年,羅伯特 •希達堤為哥兒們瑜珈這個名字註冊了商標,並在那之後認證了兩百多位哥兒們瑜珈教練。男人對於參加瑜珈課程的主要恐懼來自於當他們置身於一個全是女人的場地前面時,他們會顯得很笨拙。當身旁所有的女人能把身體扭曲成脆餅狀時,大多數的男人會因摸不到自己的腳趾頭而感到尷尬。 

Body Shape
Forgiveness 原諒
Grief 悲哀
Hangovers 宿醉
Headaches 頭痛

Surf's Up! 衝浪瑜伽

Surfing super-cop cracks unsolved case
曾救溺水女學生 鑑識警官再揪逍遙八年搶匪

A fingerprint linking a suspect with a crime committed eight years ago is shown in a photograph provided by Taichung City Police Department’s Fengyuan Precinct.


Kao Pei-pang, a 27-year-old police inspector with Taichung City Police Department’s Fengyuan Precinct Criminal Investigation Corps identification team, was recently transferred to a post at Heping Precinct’s Criminal Investigation Corps. Kao, a lover of sports, hit the news more than three years ago while surfing in Miaoli county with two classmates from Central Police University, when he saved the life of a drowning first-year female student.
Two months ago, Kao reopened an old unsolved case and carried out a cross-check of the identification information. Surprisingly, the cross-check found a match with the identity of a thief in a robbery case involving a female student eight years ago. Following more than a month of investigation, Kao finally tracked down the male suspect, surnamed Yu. Although Yu denied his involvement in the criminal case, he was nevertheless unable to explain the evidence of his fingerprints and in the end was brought to justice by the police for the robbery.
(Liberty Times, translated by Edward Jones)

1. hit the news v. phr.登上媒體版面 
例: My cat recently hit the news when she climbed up a tree and had to be rescued by the fire department.

2. following prep. 經 
例: Following many years of tireless practice, Tom became fluent in Russian.

3. bring to justice v. phr. 函送法辦 
例: My team will work night and day to bring the killers to justice.


This post is inspired by my friends at Take Your Time Guesthouse (慢慢來)  in Taitung and  Rising Sun Surf Inn in Wai'ao.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Men's 30 Day Free Yoga Challenge 男人的 30天挑戰

 30 Day Yoga Challenge for Men: What is It?

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Yoga for Men Part 2: 男人的 瑜伽練習 練習二

‘Too fat to fight’: thousands of British soldiers overweight 胖到不能打仗:數萬名英國軍人超重

British soldiers ride bicycles over Arnhem Bridge, in Arneham, Netherlands on Sept. 19.

Photo: EPA

The British army has a global reputation for efficiency and performance, but new figures published on June 22 suggest that its soldiers might be getting a little soft.
More than 32,000 soldiers failed a basic fitness test at some point in the past three years, and more than 22,000 were found to be overweight and at risk of health problems, according to Ministry of Defense figures.
All soldiers in the British army are required to complete a personal fitness assessment twice a year, and those who fail must retake the test within seven days. Multiple failures could result in being discharged.
Men under the age of 29 must complete 44 press-ups in two minutes, followed by 50 sit-ups in two minutes, and a 2.4km run within 10.5 minutes.

Women have a slightly easier test, with 21 press-ups, 50 sit-ups and 13 minutes in which to complete the run.
According to the figures obtained by The Sunday Times newspaper, 29,600 men and 2,819 women failed their fitness tests between April 2011 and March this year.
“This figure represents 11 percent of the army serving in that period and many of those who failed will have subsequently passed their fitness test,” the Ministry of Defense said in a statement.
The Sunday Times also revealed that more than 22,000 troops were found to be at increased risk of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease because they were so unfit.


1. retake v. 重考;重學;再取 
例: The allies retook the city after severe fighting.

2. press-up, push- up n. 伏地挺身 
例: He’s good at doing one-arm press-ups.

3. sit-up n. 仰臥起坐 
例: How many sit-ups can you do in one minute?

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Yoga for Men Part 1: 男人的 瑜伽練習 練習一

Holding doors open for men threatens their masculinity 幫男人開門 威脅他們的男子氣概

A sure-fire way to ruin the self-esteem of a cocky colleague is to hold the door open for him, say psychologists.
Such a gesture could be taken to imply that the recipient looks needy and vulnerable.
This is likely to clash with their masculine identity and leave them deflated, professors Janice Kelly and Megan McCarty of Purdue University in Indiana suggested.
Their study, published in the journal Social Influence, found no evidence that women were effected in a similar way when men held doors for them.
The authors said even fleeting examples of unexpected help can have significant impact if they work against typical gender roles.
Men who had the door held for them by another man reported lower feelings of self-esteem and self-belief than men who did not have the door held for them.
No differences were seen in women, regardless of whether a door was held open for them or not.
(Liberty Times)


1. sure-fire adj. 必定能的 
例: This is a sure-fire way to get publicity.

2. cocky adj. 驕傲自大的 
例: Don’t get cocky just because you’ve achieved some amount of success.

3. clash with v. phr. 與…衝突 
例: The color of the curtains clashes with the color of the wall.



名詞 Noun

動詞 Verb

形容詞 Adjective

慣用語 Idiom