Monday, July 13, 2015

The Yoga for the Bros 真男人練瑜珈


  • trademark vt. 註冊商標 & n. 商標
  • twist sth into... 將某物扭曲成 Sarah twisted the wire into the shape of a star.
  • pretzel n. 椒鹽脆餅

Now, a new trend has started called Broga, which is the manlier version of yoga. In 2009, Robert Sidoti trademarked the name Broga, and he has licensed more than 200 Broga instructors since then. The main fear men have of going to a yoga class is that they will look foolish in front of a room full of women. Many men might feel embarrassed if they could not touch their toes while all the women beside them are twisting their bodies into pretzels. 現在,一種名為哥兒們瑜珈的新潮流已經展開,這是一種較為陽剛版本的瑜珈。 2009年,羅伯特 •希達堤為哥兒們瑜珈這個名字註冊了商標,並在那之後認證了兩百多位哥兒們瑜珈教練。男人對於參加瑜珈課程的主要恐懼來自於當他們置身於一個全是女人的場地前面時,他們會顯得很笨拙。當身旁所有的女人能把身體扭曲成脆餅狀時,大多數的男人會因摸不到自己的腳趾頭而感到尷尬。 

Body Shape
Forgiveness 原諒
Grief 悲哀
Hangovers 宿醉
Headaches 頭痛

Surf's Up! 衝浪瑜伽

Surfing super-cop cracks unsolved case
曾救溺水女學生 鑑識警官再揪逍遙八年搶匪

A fingerprint linking a suspect with a crime committed eight years ago is shown in a photograph provided by Taichung City Police Department’s Fengyuan Precinct.


Kao Pei-pang, a 27-year-old police inspector with Taichung City Police Department’s Fengyuan Precinct Criminal Investigation Corps identification team, was recently transferred to a post at Heping Precinct’s Criminal Investigation Corps. Kao, a lover of sports, hit the news more than three years ago while surfing in Miaoli county with two classmates from Central Police University, when he saved the life of a drowning first-year female student.
Two months ago, Kao reopened an old unsolved case and carried out a cross-check of the identification information. Surprisingly, the cross-check found a match with the identity of a thief in a robbery case involving a female student eight years ago. Following more than a month of investigation, Kao finally tracked down the male suspect, surnamed Yu. Although Yu denied his involvement in the criminal case, he was nevertheless unable to explain the evidence of his fingerprints and in the end was brought to justice by the police for the robbery.
(Liberty Times, translated by Edward Jones)

1. hit the news v. phr.登上媒體版面 
例: My cat recently hit the news when she climbed up a tree and had to be rescued by the fire department.

2. following prep. 經 
例: Following many years of tireless practice, Tom became fluent in Russian.

3. bring to justice v. phr. 函送法辦 
例: My team will work night and day to bring the killers to justice.


This post is inspired by my friends at Take Your Time Guesthouse (慢慢來)  in Taitung and  Rising Sun Surf Inn in Wai'ao.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Men's 30 Day Free Yoga Challenge 男人的 30天挑戰

 30 Day Yoga Challenge for Men: What is It?


名詞 Noun

動詞 Verb

形容詞 Adjective

慣用語 Idiom