Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Couple Yoga Road to Bliss 雙人瑜伽

(今天 七夕)

Fairy-tale couple eye long road to bliss

TO HAVE AND TO HOLD:In keeping with tradition, a young Amis (阿美族) man is training for the day when he must carry his partner (愛人) 3km on his back (背負) on their wedding day (婚禮).

(Demonstrating a Paiwan marriage custom, Chen Chin-yu carries Lai Chien-yi on his back in Taitung County yesterday.) Photo: Huang Ming-tang, Taipei Times

Keen to follow traditional Paiwan)  customs (舊俗), Chen has to wait until March next year before going to Lai’s house and taking her away as his wife. This is because Lai is a Paiwan princess (公主) and her family has ruling royal status in the local community. For a man to marry a Paiwan princess he has to carry her away on his back (背負), and so must have the physical strength and stamina (耐力) to manage the task.
According to Paiwan tradition, the groom (新郎) must carry the bride (新娘) on his back from her parents’ house to the site of the wedding ceremony,” Lai said.
“The groom  must place both of his hands behind his back so the bride  can kneel (跪下)on his palms(手掌) while being carried." 

1. Follow 跟著
  計程車 司機  :「跟著   !」
"Follow that car!", he said to the taxi driver.

2.Wait until 等到
可惡 , 不知道    多久 。
Damn, don't know how long I have to wait. 

3. taking  
    桃園國際機場 。
Please take me to Taoyuan International Airport.

4. wife 太太 , 老婆,妻子, 
老婆 永遠    。
The wife is always right.

5. family has ruling royal status / royal family/ 皇室
千萬   皇室  壞話 !
Never speak badly about the royal family!

6. local 當地
  當地  學校  數學 。
He teaches math at the local school.

7. physical strength 體力 
 生產    沒有 體力  。
After giving birth she no longer had any strength.

8.task 耐力
 什麼時候 可以 完成 這個 任務 ?
When can you finish this task?

9. according to 按照
按照 中國  傳統 ,人們 參加 喪禮  穿 黑色  白色  衣服 。
According to Chinese tradition, people wear black or white clothes when going to a funeral.

10. parents 父母 
  我的 父母  定期 通電話 。
I speak to my parents regularly on the phone.

  • Thursday, August 8, 2013

    Downward Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

    Taking dogs to work reduces employee stress 帶狗上工有助員工紓解壓力

    Dogs are pictured in the hatch back of a car during an event promoting safe travel for pets in cars at the New York International Auto Show in New York last Wednesday.

    Photo: Reuters

    Bringing pet dogs to work can reduce stress and make the job more satisfying for other employees, a study suggests.
    US researchers found those with access to dogs were less stressed as the day went on than those who had none.
    The preliminary study published in the International Journal of Workplace Health Management looked at 75 staff workers. The researchers suggested access to dogs boosted morale and reduced stress levels, whether people had access to their own pets or other people’s.
    The study was carried out by a team of researchers at Virginia Commonwealth University who looked at a manufacturing company where people are allowed to bring their pets to work. They compared those who brought in their own pets, with those who had dogs but left them at home, and staff who did not own pets. Over a week, the researchers compared employees’ stress levels, job satisfaction and feelings about support from and commitment to the company.
    In the morning, there was no difference between the three groups. But during the course of the work day, stress levels appeared to decline for employees with their dogs present and increased for non-pet owners and dog owners who did not bring their dogs to work.
    (Liberty Times)


    TODAY’S WORDS 今日單字
    1. access n.
    接近的機會 (jie1 jin4 de5 ji1 huei4)
    例: The tax inspector gained complete access to the company files.

    2. commitment n.
    承諾 (cheng2 nuo4)
    例: I’d like to thank the staff for having shown such commitment.

    3. during the course of prep. phr.
    在...期間 (zai4 … qi2 jian1)
    例: During the course of the interview it became clear that he was not suitable for the job.


    名詞 Noun

    動詞 Verb

    形容詞 Adjective

    慣用語 Idiom