Wednesday, December 26, 2018

"Toxic" is Oxford Dictionaries’ word of the year 「有毒的」為牛津字典年度代表字

  • ethos:名詞,風氣、社會思潮。例句:Violence is part of their ethos.(暴力是他們社會風氣的一部分。)
  • zero in on:動詞片語,集中火力(注意力)於某事。例句:We must decide on our target market, then zero in on it.(我們必須決定目標市場,然後集中火力。)
  • shortlist:動詞,列入入圍(候選或決選)名單。例句:I’ve shortlisted three applicants.(我已將3名申請者列入候選名單。)

Oxford Dictionary has chosen "toxic" as its Word of the Year as the adjective reflects the ethos, mood, or preoccupations in 2018.牛津字典選擇「有毒的」為年度代表字,做為反映2018年社會思潮、情緒或關切議題的形容詞。

There was a 45 percent rise in the number of times "toxic" was searched on the Oxford throughout the year, according to its data. The adjective "toxic" first appeared in English in the mid-seventeenth century. Words like "environment", "relationship" and "culture" were habitually used alongside "toxic".牛津字典數據顯示,今年在該字典搜尋「有毒的」的次數成長45%。形容詞「有毒的」最早出現於17世紀中期的英語中。「環境」、「關係」及「文化」之類的單字,習慣性地與「有毒的」一起使用。

The dictionary said "chemical" and "masculinity" were the two most-used words in conjunction with "toxic". Twitter users were quick to point out that the "Me Too" movement, which zeroed in on sexual harassment and sexual assault, has put the light on "toxic masculinity,"牛津字典表示,「化學」與「男子氣概」是最常與「有毒的」連結使用的兩個單字。「推特」用戶隨即指出,聚焦於性騷擾及性侵害的「Me Too」運動,使得「有毒的男子氣概」一詞成為焦點。

Other shortlisted words included "gaslighting", "incel" and "techlash". In 2017, its Word of the Year was "youthquake," defined as "an important social or political change that is started by young people." 其他進入決選的單字還包括「情感操縱手法」、「非自願處男」及「科技抵制」等。2017年代表字為「青年震盪」,定義為「從年輕人開始的重大社會或政治變遷」。

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Michelangelo’s David in danger of collapsing due to ‘weak ankles’ 米開朗基羅的大衛雕像「腳踝不好」有崩塌之虞

1. in danger of phr. 有…之虞 
例: Are pandas animals in danger of extinction? (貓熊是有絕種之虞的動物嗎?)
2. combine v. 結合 例: Theory should be combined with practice. (理論應該結合實務。)
3. take a toll on idiom 對…造成損失或傷害 
例: Years of exposure to the sun took a toll on the fisherman’s skin. (長年日曬對那名漁夫的皮膚造成傷害。)

4. ankle (n.) 踝關節;踝
fell over and sprained/twisted my ankle. 我摔倒了,扭傷了腳踝。

Italian researchers are worried that Michelangelo’s statue of David may be in danger of collapsing due to weakened ankles. 義大利研究人員擔心,由於腳踝脆弱,米開朗基羅的大衛雕像可能有崩塌之虞。
Experts have long been concerned that the marble statue, which is roughly 500 years old and has long stood as one of history’s most triumphant achievements in art, may have suffered structural damage, the UK’s Telegraph explains.專家一直很擔心這尊有約五百年歷史被視為史上最成功藝術成就的大理石雕像,可能有結構性損傷,英國《電訊報》如此解說。
How so? Thousands of people visit the statue every day and over the course of hundreds of years, their footsteps combined with the rumble of nearby traffic have apparently taken a toll on the statue, experts from Italy’s National Research Council and Florence University found. 何以如此?義大利「國家研究協會」與佛羅倫斯大學的專家發現,數百年來每天有成千上萬人造訪,這些腳步加上附近交通的擾攘,顯然對雕像造成傷害。
The relatively poor quality of the marble used to sculpt David, the biblical slayer of Goliath and historically righteous king of Israel and Judah, is thought to have played a part in its present troubles. For hundreds of years it was displayed outdoors. 在聖經中殺死巨人哥利亞、在歷史上是以色列與猶大的正義的王的大衛,用來雕刻他的大理石品質較差,據信也在大衛雕像目前遇到的麻煩中扮演一定角色。數百年來,這尊雕像都被放在戶外展示。
(Liberty Times) (自由時報/翻譯:張沛元)

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Brain waves of concertgoers sync up at shows 音樂會表演期間,觀眾的腦波會同步

  1. synchronize:動詞,同步。例句:The film does not synchronize with sound.(這部電影的畫面和聲音不同步。)
  2. social:形容詞,社會的、社會性的、社交的、群居的。例句:Music is a way to have social participation.(音樂是一種社會參與的方式
  3. electroencephalography(EEG):名詞,腦波圖、腦電圖。例句:Delta waves are oscillations that predominate in the 1- to 4-Hz range and are commonly referred to as slow wave activity in the EEG.(δ波的主要振盪頻率範圍落在1赫茲至4赫茲之間,在腦電圖中一般被稱為慢波活動。)

When people watch live music together, their brains waves synchronize, and this brain bonding is linked with having a better time. The new findings, reported March 27 at a Cognitive Neuroscience Society meeting, are a reminder that humans are social creatures. 人們一起觀賞現場音樂會時,腦波會同步,而這種大腦聯繫也關係到觀眾能否度過歡樂時光。3月27日在「認知神經科學學會」大會上提出的這項新發現,點出「人類是社會性動物」的本質。

Study participants were split into groups of 20 and experienced music in one of three ways. Some watched a live concert with a large audience, some watched a recording of the concert with a large audience, and some watched the recording with only a few other people. Each person wore EEG caps, headwear covered with electrodes that measure the collective behavior of the brain’s nerve cells. The musicians played an original song they wrote for the study.研究參與者以20人為一組,透過3種不同方式體驗音樂會。有些和一大群人一起觀賞現場音樂會,有些和一大群人一起觀賞預錄音樂會,有些則只和幾個人一起觀看錄影帶。每位受試者都會配戴腦波帽,那是一種被電極覆蓋的帽子,可監測及蒐集腦神經元的集體行為。音樂家演奏的則是他們為該實驗創作的一首原創歌曲。

The delta brain waves of audience members who watched the music live were more synchronized than those of people in the other two groups. Delta brainwaves fall in a frequency range that roughly corresponds to the beat of the music, suggesting that beat drives the synchronicity, said neuroscientist Molly Henry of Western University in London, Canada. The more synchronized a particular audience member was with others, the more he or she reported feeling connected to the performers and enjoying the show. 觀賞現場音樂會的觀眾,德爾塔腦波(δ波)比其他2組受試者更為同步。加拿大倫敦市西安大略大學神經科學家莫莉.亨立表示,德爾塔腦波進入同步的頻率範圍,大致符合音樂的節拍,顯示節拍可驅動腦波同步性。而觀眾和其他人的腦波同步性愈高,他或她愈能感覺與表演者心有靈犀、享受這場表演。

Friday, November 2, 2018

Living with a volcano means dealing with its goddess 與火山共存之道 與火山女神打交道

  1. relentless
  2. legendary
  3. phenomenon
  4. lava
  5. devastating

During one of his daily briefings about the relentless eruptions of the Kilauea volcano recently, Hawaii County Mayor Harry Kim noted the day had brought no eruptions, no lava, no ashfalls. “Pele has given the grace of quiet to us today,” Kim told residents, both native Hawaiians and those who moved there from abroad. He took it for granted they all knew he was talking about the legendary goddess that lives in the Halemaumau crater of Kilauea, which has been almost continuously active since 1983.
Living under one of the world’s most active volcanoes means learning to live with a fickle force of nature, personified by Pele. Pele oversees “any and all volcanic phenomenon: lava flow, steam, fumes, earthquakes,” says Bobby Camara, a retired Park Ranger at the vast Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. “She is the reason we are here. She made Hawaii,” he says, referring to the fact the Hawaii Islands were formed from undersea volcanic eruptions.
Paintings of her typically portray a women with long, flowing hair in the shape of a volcano, hands cupping a ball of fire or dressed in a fiery garment. A homage to Pele is usually featured in Hula dance performances on the Big Island.
Residents of Leilani Gardens, who were evacuated after lava fountains erupted from several fissures there, have placed offerings of flowers and ti leaves, used to make Leis, on the oozing lava flows.
They are allowed back into the neighborhood to check on their homes for a period each day. For some, it’s also a chance to watch the pyrotechnic eruptions. “This is my second experience of an amazing display of Pele’s power,” says Hannique Ruder, 65, “It’s devastating and beautiful at the same time. We’re all in fear of her power, and yet you have to see the creative force at work here as well.”
Glenn Canon, 61, a retired respiratory therapist, and his wife were also among those evacuated from Leilani Gardens. “We don’t want to leave. We settled in for our retirement and planned to stay right there. It looks like Madame Pele has other plans for us. This is her land and when she wants it back, she’ll take it from us.”


Friday, October 12, 2018

India the most dangerous country to be a woman 印度是對女性最危險的國家

#dayofthegirl #girlhero #girlstakeover


  1. cite:動詞,舉例,列舉。例句:She cited three reasons why people get into debt.(她列舉人們為何負債的3個原因。)
  2. female genital mutilation:名詞,女性割禮(簡寫為FGM)。例句:FGM can cause serious and lifelong physical and psychological harm.(女性割禮可導致嚴重且終身的身心傷害。)
  3. child marriage:名詞,童婚。例句:Child marriage violates girls’ rights to health, education and opportunity.( 童婚危害女童的健康、教育及機會等權利。)

India is the most dangerous country in the world to be a woman because of the high risk of sexual violence and slave labor, a new survey of experts shows. 一份新的專家調查顯示,就身為女性而言,印度是世界上最危險的國家,因為當地性暴力及奴隸勞動的風險很高。

The Thomson Reuters Foundation released its results Tuesday of a survey of 550 experts on women’s issues, finding India to be the most dangerous nation for sexual violence against women, as well as human trafficking for domestic work, forced labor, forced marriage and sexual slavery, among other reasons.

India is also the most dangerous country in the world for cultural traditions that impact women, the survey found, citing acid attacks, female genital mutilation, child marriage and physical abuse. India was the fourth most dangerous country for women in the same survey seven years ago.調查發現,就文化傳統對女性的影響而言,諸如潑酸攻擊、女性割禮、童婚及身體虐待等,印度也是世界上最危險的國家。在7年前的相同調查中,印度是對婦女第4危險的國家。

Afghanistan and Syria ranked second and third, followed by Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Yemen and Nigeria. The only western nation in the top 10 was the US. This was directly related to the #MeToo movement. 阿富汗及敘利亞分居2、3名,隨後是索馬利亞、沙烏地阿拉伯、巴基斯坦、剛果民主共和國、葉門及奈及利亞。唯一進入前十名的西方國家是美國。此與「#MeToo」運動有直接關聯。

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Ganesha Chaturthi 印度象神節

Ganesha Chaturthi is one of the largest Hindu festivals, held over an 11-day period every August or September in the Gregorian calendar. It is celebrated throughout India, but also in other countries around the world. 印度象神節是最盛大的印度教節慶之一,在每年陽曆八月或九月連續舉行十一天。不僅印度舉國慶祝,在世界其他國家也有慶典。
The festival is celebrated in honor of the Hindu god Ganesha. Idols of the god are placed in temporary public shrines and in private houses. They are then paraded around the streets in a procession down to the nearest convenient body of water and immersed. 象神節是為了紀念印度神祇伽尼薩。伽尼薩神像先安置在臨時的公共神龕及民宅,然後抬出來沿街遊行,到附近的河川水域施行浸禮。
Ganesha is a major god in the Hindu pantheon, and is instantly recognizable because of his elephant head. He is considered as the god of beginnings, the remover of obstacles and the patron of arts and sciences. Ganesha emerged as a distinct deity as early as the 4th and 5th centuries AD, although the form he took incorporated earlier attributes from ancient Indian texts.伽尼薩神是印度教眾神中的重要神祇,並因其獨特象頭而能夠立即辨認出。人們相信祂是起始之神,可以消除困難,並為藝術與科學的守護神。早在西元四到五世紀,伽尼薩神便以其獨特的形象存在,儘管其樣貌融合了更早期的印度經典的描述。

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Yoga for World Suicide Prevention Day

Vocabulary: Chinese/English (Quizlet)
  1. commit suicide 自殺
  2. attempt 企圖
  3. prevent (v.) 阻止, 妨礙, 預防
  4. mental health 精神健康狀態
  5. raise (v.) 增加;提高;改善
  6. awareness (n.)意識
  7. preventable (adj.) 可防止的,可預防的,可阻止的
  8. factor (n.) 因素;要素
  9. downturn (n.) 衰退,漸入低迷
  10. bully (n./v.)恃強淩弱者,以大欺小者/ 傷害;脅迫;欺負,欺淩
  11. assist (v.) 幫助;協助;援助
  12. assisted suicide 協助自殺,輔助自殺

World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) is a day we should all put on our calendars. It highlights (強調) a huge but often ignored(忽視) problem in our society (社會). Every year thousands of people take their own lives. Around 3,000 people a day commit suicide. Another 60,000 a day attempt suicide. WSPD promotes (促進) ways to identify (確定) possible suicide cases and to prevent suicide. The day is organized (安排有序的) by the International Association for Suicide Prevention. This important group acts as a forum(論壇) for academics(學者), mental health professionals (職業的), and suicide survivors(倖存者) to work together to understand suicide better. They raise awareness that suicide is a preventable cause of hundreds of thousands of deaths around the world.

The word suicide comes from Latin, meaning to kill oneself. There are many factors that lead to someone taking their own life. These include depression(憂鬱症), shame (羞恥), physical pain, anxiety (焦慮), and relationship problems. A growing reason nowadays is financial ($) difficulties. There is a sudden increase in suicide in rich nations(countries) when there is a downturn in the economy (經濟). Another worrying trend (趨向) is the number of young people who resort to suicide because of bullyingSuicide is in fact, one of the leading causes of death among teenagers and young adults. In Japan, there are Internet suicide clubs so you can end your life with others who are equally desperate (拼命的). A hot topic(話題) today is assisted suicide – helping another person end his or her life.

1. What problem is ignored by society?
2. Who organized World Suicide Prevention Day?
3. Which groups attend the forum?
4. Is suicide preventable? Explain.
5. Why do young people commit or attempt to commit suicide?
6. What is assisted suicide?
7. Why is bullying such a serious problem?

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Students return to schools as new academic year begins 各級學校開學日 學生勤做收心操

1. school year phr. 學年 
2. campus n. 校園 
3. back-to-school adj. 開學的 
4. experimental adj. 實驗的 
5. flat-rate adj. 單一費率 
The new school year for most elementary schools and junior and senior high schools across Taiwan begins today, and that for universities in two weeks. To help students re-adjust to campus life, local education departments are introducing a series of exercises to refocus their minds, and various “back-to-school” apps that provide online reading and interactive learning. 全國大部分的國小、國中和高中的新學年將於今日展開,大學則在兩週後開學。為了要幫助學生們即早適應校園生活,各地教育局推出一系列收心操,並透過各種開學應用程式來提供線上閱讀和互動學習等活動。
This year, Taiwan Yuansheng International Academy, the nation’s first Aboriginal experimental senior high school, was launched at Christ’s College Taipei in New Taipei City’s Tamsui District. Ten Bunun freshmen will take special music and cultural lessons in addition to their regular classes. 全台首間原住民實驗高中原聲國際學院,今年亦在台北基督學院成立,該校位於新北市淡水區,十位來自布農族的新生除了學習一般課程,還有特別的音樂與文化課程。
Meanwhile, a back-to-school sales war is heating up. According to A-mart hypermarket chain and Kuang Nan Fashion Shop, items below NT$500 (US$16), such as the NT$299 book holder, are most popular this year. The nation’s three major telecom companies are also attracting student customers with a NT$488 flat-rate cellphone monthly package. 此外,開學季的促銷大戰也已開打。根據愛買量販店和光南大批發的觀察,今年以五百元(十六美元)以下商品最受歡迎,例如兩百九十九元的桌上型書架。台灣的電信三雄則推出手機每月四百八十八元吃到飽的單一費率學生價,希望能搶攻學生族群。
(Eddy Chang, Taipei Times)(台北時報張聖恩)

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Yoga for Children

Allergies (TreatmentOctober Babies)
Brain health/Intelligence
Family Life
In Utero (Nutrition)
Immunity (Springtime,

Cosmic Kids

Monday, August 20, 2018

Teens Who Are Constantly On Their Phones May Be At Risk of ADHD 青少年常用手機可能有ADHD風險

  1. develop:動詞,患上/逐漸形成(疾病)。例句:In general, women are more likely to develop breast cancer.(一般而言,女性更易罹患乳癌。)
  2. restlessness:名詞,躁動,心神不定,煩亂不安。例句:Waiting gave him a feeling of restlessness.(等待讓他煩躁不安。)
  3. prevalence:名詞,流行,盛行。例句:The disease’s prevalence is increasing compared to other diseases.(相較於其他疾病,這種病的流行率不斷增加。)

Teens who spend lots of time surfing the web, playing games and chatting with friends on smartphones and tablets may be more likely to symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a U.S. study suggests. 一項美國研究指出,青少年花大量時間瀏覽網路,在智慧型手機和平板電腦上玩遊戲、與朋友聊天,也許更有可能出現注意力不足過動症(ADHD)症狀。

The study involved 2,587 students in 10 high schools across Los Angeles County. The students had no significant symptoms of ADHD at the study’s start. During the two years of the study, the researchers surveyed the teens and asked them about the frequency of their participation in 14 different kinds of online activities. 這份研究含括洛杉磯郡10所高中的2587名學生。在研究開始時,學生並無明顯的ADHD症狀。在2年研究期間,研究人員調查這些青少年,詢問他們參與14種不同線上活動的頻率。

About half of the students said they check social media sites and text many times every day. The study found that teens who were high-frequency users of seven or 14 digital media platforms were more than twice as likely to develop ADHD symptoms than teens who did not use any media platform at a high-frequency rate. 約半數學生表示,他們每天瀏覽社群媒體網站及傳簡訊多次。研究發現,相較於未高度使用任何媒體平台的青少年,高頻率使用7或14種數位媒體平台的青少年,出現ADHD症狀的機率高出逾2倍。

ADHD symptoms include inattention, hyperactivity, restlessness or impulsivity. The disorder, which is more common in boys than girls, affects about 5% of all children in the United States. The prevalence of ADHD has been estimated at 5% worldwide, as well. ADHD症狀包括漫不經心、活動亢進、煩亂不安或衝動等。這種疾病影響全美國約5%的兒童,男孩又比女孩更可能罹患這種疾病。據估計,ADHD的全球流行率也是5%。

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Best dads of the animal kingdom 動物界暖男:海馬、企鵝最爸氣

Today is August 8th — Father’s Day in Taiwan. August 8 was chosen for Father’s Day because the pronunciation of “eight-eight” in Mandarin Chinese is “ba-ba,” a homonym of “papa.” On Father’s Day, people take the opportunity to express their gratitude for their father’s hard work. The animal kingdom has its own stand-out dads, too. 今天是八月八日,是台灣的父親節。之所以選擇這天為父親節,是因為中文「八八」是「爸爸」的諧音。為人子女常在父親節表達對父親的感恩,但你知道嗎,在動物界也有堪稱模範父親的好爸爸呢!
For many animals, childbearing and rearing are left to the females — for some species, the males even disappear soon after mating. But there are exceptions, such as the seahorses that wear the twin hats of both the father and mother and emperor penguins that share responsibility for childcare. 多數動物是由雌性擔任育兒工作,有些動物的雄性甚至在雌性懷孕後,就不見蹤影。但是也有例外,例如父兼母職的海馬,以及共同分擔育兒責任的皇帝企鵝。

The reproduction of seahorses is particularly striking because the seahorses are “borne” by the males — female seahorses leave their unfertilized eggs in special pouches on the males. After two to three weeks of “pregnancy,” the males give birth to baby seahorses that hatch and grow in the pouches. The number of babies pushed out can reach more than a thousand. Seahorses are ovoviviparous fish. 海馬的生殖方式特別引人注目,因為海馬是由爸爸來「懷孕」──母海馬將卵產在雄海馬腹中之育兒袋(孵卵囊),海馬爸爸便在接下來二至三週挺著大肚子,然後辛苦生下孵化的海馬寶寶──剛出生的小海馬數量可達千隻以上。海馬是屬於卵胎生魚類。

To hatch the egg, emperor penguins have to endure sub-zero temperatures, during which time they must also fast. From May to June each year, the emperor penguin mother will lay an egg — only one at a time. By this time the mother’s nutritional reserves are exhausted and she has to go back to the sea for food. The father balances the egg on the top of his feet, incubating the egg in his brood pouch, keeping it at a comfortable temperature of 36 degrees Celsius in the freezing environment, with temperatures as low as -40 degrees Celsius. During the incubation period which lasts for about 65 consecutive days, the males do not eat, spending most time in sleep, surviving on the fat stored in their bodies. 皇帝企鵝爸爸為了孵蛋,會忍受零度以下低溫,並且禁食。在每年五至六月,皇帝企鵝媽媽會產下一顆蛋(一次只生一顆)──此時母企鵝身體儲存的能量消耗殆盡,必須返回大海覓食。在這段期間,雄企鵝把蛋放在腳掌上,用雙腿和腹部下方之間的育兒袋包覆,讓蛋在環境溫度低達攝氏零下四十度的低溫中,保持在舒適的攝氏三十六度。在約六十五天的孵化期間,雄企鵝不吃不喝,多在睡眠中度過,仰賴體中儲存的脂肪度日。
The mother returns after feeding in the sea for about two months. She can find her own partner among the hundreds of new dads by recognizing his vocal call, and feeds the chick by regurgitating the food that she has stored in her stomach. Then it is the father’s turn to leave and feed himself in the sea. 企鵝媽媽出海約兩個月後,便會返回。牠能在數以百計的新爸爸中,透過叫聲找到自己的伴侶,然後反芻吐出儲存在胃裡的食物來餵小企鵝。這時,就輪到企鵝爸爸離開,到大海去捕食了。
(Lin Lee-kai, Taipei Times) (台北時報林俐凱)

Friday, July 13, 2018

Yoga for Footballers/Soccer Players 足球運動員的瑜伽

Reading 1: World Cup final to take place this weekend世界盃足球賽 冠軍戰週末精彩開踢

1. quadrennial adj. 四年一度的 
2. World Cup phr. 世界盃 
3. quarter-final phr. 八強賽、半準決賽
4. semi-final phr.四強賽、準決賽 
5. soccer (American English), football (British English) 英式足球,足球

The excitement has peaked, and the quadrennial FIFA World Cup is drawing to a close. The quarter-finals took place last weekend, followed by the semi-finals this week. France and Croatia will now compete in the final, while Belgium and England will meet in the third place play-off. 四年一度的世界盃足球賽目前已接近尾聲,熱烈的賽事也將進入最高潮。八強在上週末開打,緊接著就是本週的四強大戰。最終法國和克羅埃西亞將爭奪冠軍寶座,比利時和英格蘭則將爭奪季軍。
Among the three soccer superstars for this World Cup, both Argentina’s Lionel Messi and Portugal’s Cristiano Ronaldo failed to advance to the quarter-finals, while Brazil’s Neymar has been ribbed for rolling on the field dramatically in several games after contact with opponents: Fans even dubbed his alleged theatrics “Neymar rolling.” 至於本屆世界盃的三大球星,阿根廷隊的梅西和葡萄牙隊的「C羅」羅納度稍早皆止步於八強門外。巴西隊的內馬爾則因在幾場比賽被對手踢倒後,戲劇化地躺在地上打滾,遭球迷嘲諷為「內馬爾滾」。
Meanwhile, Japan won applause for beating Colombia in its first game, becoming the first Asian team to beat a South American squad in 88 years of World Cup history. The final is scheduled in Moscow, Russia for 11pm Taiwan Time on Sunday. 此外,日本隊因首戰踢走哥倫比亞隊而贏得掌聲,成為在世界盃八十八年歷史上,首支戰勝南美洲球隊的亞洲勁旅。本屆世界盃的冠軍戰,將於台灣時間週日晚上十一點在俄國莫斯科開踢。
(Eddy Chang, Taipei Times台北時報張聖恩)

Reading 2: Egypt’s women football referees push for higher level 埃及女性足球裁判爭取更上一層樓

  1. referee:名詞,裁判。例句:The decision by the referee was accepted by all.(大家都接受了裁判的裁決。)
  2. officiate:動詞,擔任裁判;執行職務。例句:She was asked to officiate the wedding.(她被要求擔任婚禮主持人。)
  3. set one’s sight on:慣用片語,以…為目標。例句:We have set our sights on the world record.(我們以創下世界紀錄為目標。)

On the sidelines of a small football pitch at a university in Cairo, Hanan Hassan remembers starting out as a referee and the response she got from one female player’s mother.在開羅一所大學一座小足球場的邊線外,哈南.哈桑回想起剛當上裁判時,她從一名女選手母親那裡得到的回應。

"In a loud voice she yelled as she was looking towards me: ’God bless you my daughter and I hope that my own daughter becomes like you’," Hassan recalls, proudly.哈桑自豪地憶述:「她看向我大聲地說:『上天保佑妳,我的女兒,我希望我自己的女兒也像妳一樣』。」

For years, women referees in Egypt have officiated at lower-level football matches but now set their sights on the premier league.多年來,埃及的女性裁判承擔低層級足球比賽的裁判工作,但現在她們將眼光放在最重要的聯賽。 37-year-old Mona Atalla was part of the first group of female referees registered in Egypt in 1998 who were allowed to oversee all-women and junior male tournaments. Now she was finally allowed in April to officiate a match in the men’s second and third division leagues. 37歲的夢娜.阿塔拉是1998年在埃及登記的首批女性裁判之一,她們獲准監督全女性及青少年男子聯賽。她終於在今年4月獲准擔任成年男子第二級、第三級聯賽的裁判。

The decision by the Egyptian Football Association’s referee committee raised hopes that women referees will soon be holding the red and yellow cards in the top-tier premier league. 埃及足球協會裁判委員會做出這項決定,燃起女性裁判很快將在頂級聯賽掌紅、黃牌的希望。


Thursday, July 5, 2018

Happy Independence Day! 獨立日快樂!

The Eagle is the American symbol of freedom 鷹是美國自由的象徵

Eagle Pose 鷹


  • the 4th of July 美國獨立紀念日(紀念美國於1776年7月4日脫離英國獨立)a national holiday in the US that celebrates the country's independence from Great Britain in 1776
  • Independence Day 1.)獨立紀念日 in the US, the official name for the Fourth of July holiday  2.) 美國獨立紀念日  a day on which a country celebrates being independent from foreign rule

EX: We met for the first time at the fireworks on the Fourth of July.
the July 4th holiday 美國獨立紀念日假期

Eagle Pose Variations:
  1. Eagle Crow
  2. Eagle Headstand

Super Soldier (超級士兵)


Friday, June 29, 2018

女性單獨度假有顧慮?網站推女性專屬租房軟體 Travel website launches women-only flat rental app to smooth holiday safety concerns.

The solo female traveler market is an increasingly powerful sector in the travel industry. But while solo travel is usually rewarding, safe, and eye-opening, women who take to the road alone usually have more issues to take into account than men. A minority of horror stories of dodgy Airbnb and Couchsurfing hosts can see women flocking to the nearest female-only floor in a hotel女性單獨旅行的市場在旅遊業日益蓬勃。儘管獨自旅行一般來說挺安全,往往值回票價也讓人大開眼界,但隻身上路的女性一般要比男性考慮更多的問題。國際租房平臺愛彼迎和沙發客就傳出少數狡猾房東的駭人事件,導致女性房客蜂擁入住最近酒店的女性專屬樓層。

But now one peer-to-peer accommodation site has decided to do something about that, by launching a sub-group dedicated to female hosts and guests.不過現在,一個點對點住宿網站決定改變這種情況。它推出了一個分組功能,承租者和出租者僅限女性。

Overnight – a site and app similar to Airbnb, which allows you to book accommodation with local residents – has teamed up with Girls Love Travel, a women-only online community, to launch "Groups", which will allow home-sharing through trusted networks."過夜"是一個類似於愛彼迎的網站和應用軟體,可讓旅客向當地住戶租房。它已經與專屬女性的網路社區"女生愛旅行"達成合作,推出"小組"功能,讓屋主和旅客利用可靠的社交網路共用住家。

The feature will connect travellers and hosts who share friends or social networking groups in common. With 350,000 members of Girls Love Travel located around the world, it's a promising start. Other networks are in the works to collaborate, too.這個功能可將有共同好友和共屬同一社交網路的旅客和屋主相互連結。與"過夜"平臺合作的"女生愛旅行"社區在全球擁有35萬用戶,前景看好。目前"過夜"平臺也正積極促成與其他網站的合作。

Overnight said in a statement: "While cost is a key issue for travellers, trust is perhaps even more important – both for travellers and home-sharing hosts. This is especially true for female travellers."

Girls Love Travel founder Haley Woods told The Independent:"女生愛旅行"社區的創辦人海莉•伍德茲告訴英國《獨立報》:

"Within the Girls LOVE Travel community, we empower women to go out, travel, and explore the world. The problem is that, when choosing to house-swap or couch-share with a stranger, safety can be a real concern for many of our members. Alternatives such as hotels or hostels can often be pricey, and may delay trips due to budget."女生愛旅行'社區讓女性放心出門旅行,探索世界。但問題是,如果選擇跟陌生人互換房屋或分享沙發,安全問題確實是許多用戶的現實顧慮。入住酒店或旅館往往花費較高,也可能因為預算不足而耽誤行程。"

"Building this partnership between Girls LOVE Travel and Overnight presents members with a peer-to-peer network platform to help answer those concerns by providing members a cost-effective opportunity to stay with ladies they have met within our online community. Overnight provides our members the added benefit of moving beyond the computer with other female travellers, and creating lasting relationships."伍德茲還表示, "'女生愛旅行'社區和'過夜'平臺達成合作,讓使用者利用點對點網路平臺與在網路社區認識的女性同住,藉此消除她們的顧慮。這無疑是一個經濟划算的方法。除此以外,'過夜'平臺也讓用戶從線上走到線下,建立長久的友誼。"

The Groups feature also allows hosts to use tiered pricing, offering lower rates to travellers from their own networks. Overnight says that it discovered hosts were willing to drop prices for guests they have a connection to."小組"功能讓屋主可以採取分級定價的方式,給自己社交網路中的旅客提供更優惠的價格。"過夜"平臺也表示,屋主很願意為這些旅客降價。

Current featured picks on the website include a private room in West Hollywood for $60, and an apartment in Chicago for $100.目前"過夜"網站上的熱門推薦有:一個位於西好萊塢定價60美元的單間,和一套位於芝加哥定價100美元的公寓。

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Sun to strike NY streets in magical ‘Manhattanhenge’ 夕陽映照紐約街景 形成「曼哈頓巨石陣」美景

1. align v.對齊 
例: The various parts of the machine are not aligning properly. (此機器多處零件未能適度對齊。)
2. speculate v.預測 
例: It’s still too early to speculate about which candidate will win the election.(現在預測哪位候選人會當選還言之過早。)
3. effect n.效應 
例: What sort of effect do you think these changes will have in the near future?

It is dubbed “Manhattanhenge” and happens semiannually when the sun aligns at dusk with streets in a glowing magic trick as rays of sunlight span across New York perfectly, from west to east.
“Manhattanhenge may just be a unique urban phenomenon in the world,” says astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, of the American Museum of Natural History, who officially discovered the phenomenon.
The name “Manhattanhenge” is a play on Manhattan, this city’s most famous borough, and Stonehenge, the megalithic monument in southern England with large stone blocks set out in concentric circles.
At Stonehenge, the sun crosses the site’s central axis during the summer and winter solstices, leading experts to speculate that the site could have been used as a sort of sun calendar, as well as for religious ceremonies.
But in Manhattan, the phenomenon takes place before and after the summer solstices when at dusk but before sunset, the sun neatly matches up with the even-numbered streets running west and east, sending out fingers of light.
“As a kid I visited Stonehenge in the Salisbury Plain of England and did research on other stone monuments across the British Isles,” deGrasse Tyson told AFP.
“So I was, in a way, imprinted by the emotional power that terrestrial alignments with the sun can have on a culture or civilization.”
“Any city crossed by a rectangular grid can identify days where the setting sun aligns with their streets. But a closer look at such cities around the world shows them to be less than ideal for this purpose,” he stressed.
DeGrasse Tyson first started thinking about the “Manhattanhenge” effect back in 1996. It was not until five years later, July 2001, that he took a photo of the sun-meets-skyscrapers display.It and others were published in 2002 in a special edition of Natural History Magazine called “City of Stars,” he said. And the effect began to become better known.



名詞 Noun

動詞 Verb

形容詞 Adjective

慣用語 Idiom