Thursday, May 31, 2018

Happiness no longer just a personal matter, but a policy issue 快樂不再只是一己之事,而是政策議題

  • guarantee:動詞,名詞,保證(障)、擔保。 President-elect Donald J. Trump gave a "100 percent" guarantee that their jobs wouldn’t go to Mexico.(總統當選人川普「百分之百」保證,他們的工作不會外移至墨西哥。)
  • keynote:名詞,(演說的)主旨、(政策、行動的)基調。
  • disparity:名詞,不一致。When this disparity is addressed, the whole world stands to benefit.(當此差異的現象獲得解決時,全世界才會受惠。)

"Gross domestic product no longer serves as a measure of a society’s wealth. South Koreans are ranked 11th globally GDP, and yet they report a very low level of happiness. This shows that growth no longer guarantees happiness. We should now regard happiness not as a personal issue but as a social good and consider what the government can do to make our lives better," said Luigino Bruni, a professor at LUMSA University in Italy, during his keynote address at the opening ceremony 2016 Asia Future Forum on Nov. 23. 義大利羅馬聖瑪利亞自由大學教授路易吉諾.布魯尼,在11月23日舉行的2016年亞洲未來論壇開幕式上發表專題演講時表示,「國內生產毛額不再扮演衡量社會財富的角色。南韓國民的GDP位居全球第11,但他們卻表示快樂程度很低。這顯示,經濟成長不再是快樂的保證,我們現在不該把快樂視為個人議題,應當作社會公益,並思考政府在使我們的生活更好上,能有何作為」。

The forum is launched in 2010 to promote co-existence and shared prosperity in Asia and sustainable development and now in its seventh year.2010年發足的該論壇旨在促進亞洲的共存、共榮和永續發展,如今已邁入第7個年頭。

Focusing on the theme of "Beyond GDP:The Pursuit of Happiness for All," the event brought together South Korean and overseas experts from various fields - including academics, activists, entrepreneurs and policymakers - for a day of spirited debate. 本次論壇聚焦「超越GDP:為所有人追求快樂」的主題,讓包括學者、社運人士、企業家與決策者在內的各領域南韓和海外專家齊聚一堂,進行一天的熱烈討論。

"In a report analyzing inequality in Asia that was released in March, the International Monetary Fund found that South Korea has the highest level of inequality in Asia. While the economy has grown in size, intensifying social disparities and inequality appear to be affecting the level of people‘s happiness," said National Assembly Chung Sye-kyun during his congratulatory address. 南韓國會議長丁世均發表祝賀演說時提到,「在3月發布的一份分析亞洲不平等現象的報告中,國際貨幣基金發現,南韓的不平等現象在亞洲居冠,雖然經濟規模成長,但社會差距與不平等現象惡化,似乎影響人們的快樂程度」。

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Harry and Meghan tie the knot at British royal wedding 當哈利遇見梅根 英國王室婚禮盛大登場

1. royal adj .王室的;皇家的 
2. tie the knot phr.結婚 
3. throne n.王位;寶座 
4. mixed-race phr.混血的 
5. stereotypical adj. 刻板的 

The British royal wedding on May 19 attracted global attention, as Prince Harry and US actress Meghan Markle tied the knot at St. George’s Chapel of Windsor Castle in England. The royal wedding could boost the British economy by 500 million pounds (about US$680 million), including 200 million pounds coming from tourism, travel and hotels.
Prince Harry is sixth in line to the throne. A divorcee of mixed-race heritage with an African American mother and three years older than the prince, the actress is certainly not the stereotypical English princess, but Meghan’s spirited start to her new life has helped breathe new life into the ancient institution, experts say.
Meghan “has so much more in common with the rest of the world than members of the aristocracy or blue-blooded people who’ve traditionally married into the royal family. . . and that can only be a good thing for the royal family,” said Roya Nikkhah, royal correspondent for the Sunday Times.

(CNA, translated by Eddy Chang)


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Milky Way on earth: Spotting fireflies around the Island 火金姑「放閃」 來看螢火蟲漫天飛舞

1. firefly n. 螢火蟲 
2. light pollution phr. 光害
3. larva n. 幼蟲
4. glow v. 發光
5. twinkling a. 閃爍的

Fireflies, commonly known as “hue kim goo” (fire gold lady) in Taiwanese, can usually be seen starting after the end of the Ching Ming Festival. Mid-April to late-May is the time in the year that we get to see the most fireflies — often in the mountains and farms across Taiwan.螢火蟲在台灣俗稱「火金姑」,出現的時間點約在清明節過後;四月中旬至五月下旬左右,是螢火蟲最多的時候,台灣各地山間和農場常可見到它們的蹤影。
There are more than 2,000 species of fireflies known to exist around the world, of which more than 60 species can be found in Taiwan. Fireflies live only in places with clean water and low light pollution: there needs to be the right surrounding ecological environment with clean river water. 全世界目前已知有兩千多種螢火蟲,台灣已發現有六十多種。螢火蟲只生長在水源清澈、光害少的地方,周遭要有乾淨的溪流及生態環境。
Grass in woodland areas tends to contain many snails, which are the favorite food of firefly larvae. In March and April, adult fireflies will emerge and fly out in the evening to attract mates.  樹林下的草叢環境蝸牛多,是螢火蟲幼蟲最愛的食物,每到三、四月成蟲羽化,夜間便飛出求偶。
Increasing urban development and the use of pesticides have severely damaged their ecological environment so that seeing fireflies has become something of a luxury. 由於都市化與使用農藥的程度越來越深,使環境生態遭受嚴重破壞,對現代人來說,要看到螢火蟲已成為一種奢侈。
The glow from a firefly 螢火蟲的光
Adult fireflies emit light through a light emitter in their abdomen. The glow from the light emitter is composed of a combination of light-emitting cells at the end of the abdomen. Upon contact with oxygen, a reduction-oxidation reaction (redox) occurs to produce light. 螢火蟲成蟲藉由腹部末端的發光器發光,發光器是由發光細胞等結構組合而成,和氧作用後產生氧化還原反應,而產生亮光。
Each species of firefly emits light of different color and frequency. For example, a Taiwan Pyrocoelia analis glows with continuous yellow-green light, while the Aquatica ficta Olivier emits twinkling yellow light. 每種螢火蟲發光的顏色與和頻率都不同,如台灣窗螢發著持續的黃綠色光,而黃緣螢則是發閃爍的黃色光。
The firefly’s light flashes at a specific rhythm — it is the language they use to communicate with others, as well as a means for males to attract females to mate.螢火蟲的光閃爍著特定的節奏,是螢火蟲用來交換彼此訊息的語言,也是雄蟲利用亮光,找尋雌蟲交尾的工具。
The glow behavior of fireflies also has additional functions including attracting, alerting and intimidating predators, providing illumination and camouflage. 此外,螢火蟲的發光行為還有誘集、警戒、恫嚇捕食者、照明、偽裝等功能。

Firefly observation tips 賞螢小提醒
Flashlights should be covered with red cellophane to avoid harming the fireflies. 夜晚使用手電筒要加上紅色玻璃紙,才不會對螢火蟲產生光害。
Never catch fireflies with your hands, as they will die if they are disturbed or touched. 千萬不要用手抓螢火蟲,因為螢火蟲只要受驚嚇或被觸摸就會死亡。

The best time to observe fireflies is between 6pm and 8:30 pm. 賞螢最佳時間約為晚上六點~八點半之間。
Firefly viewing spots 賞螢景點
Taipei City: Daan Forest Park, Ronxing Garden Park, Cui Lake in Muzha District 
New Taipei City: Wen Sun Farm in Xindian District, Homei Trail and 53 other locations 
Taoyuan City: Xiao Jing Ling Firefly Resort in Guishan District
Hsinchu County: Xinghai Firefly Area at Dongwo River in Neiwan Village
Miaoli County: Springcreek Hostel in Zhuolan Township, West Lake Resortopia in Sanyi Township, Firefly Farm in Tongxiao Township
Taichung City: Dongshih Forest Garden, Sijiaolin Coffee Farm
Nantou County: Four major firefly habitats (Sun Moon Lake, Aowanda, Guosing Township, and Chulu), Sun Link Sea Forest Recreation Area 
Chiayi County: Meishan, Jhuci, Alisha, Jhongpu Townships
Tainan City: Meiling in Nanxi District, Guanshan in Nanhua District, Hsinhua Forest Farm 
Kaohsiung City: Namasia District 高雄市:那瑪夏


名詞 Noun

動詞 Verb

形容詞 Adjective

慣用語 Idiom