Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Lantern Festival celebrations light up Taiwan 全台多個縣市 歡慶元宵佳節

1. lantern n.花燈 
2. animal sign phr. 生肖動物
3. Disneyland n. 迪士尼樂園
4. parade n. 遊行 (
5. sky lantern phr. 天燈 

The 2019 Taiwan Lantern Festival will kick off on Tuesday in Pingtung County. Although the festival celebrates the Year of the Pig, it will feature a giant tuna-themed main lantern, Pingtung being known for its tuna. The event marks its 30th anniversary this year, this being the first year the main lantern is not based on an animal sign of the Chinese zodiac. 二○一九年台灣燈會下週二將在屏東縣登場,雖然燈會是為了慶祝「豬年」舉辦,巨型主燈卻是以屏東名產鮪魚為主題。在燈會今年邁入三十週年之際,這也是主燈首次未配合黃道十二宮的生肖動物而設計。
The 2019 Taipei Lantern Festival begins tomorrow in Taipei’s Ximending area. Visitors will have a chance to meet with Mickey Mouse and other characters from Tokyo Disneyland, who will do surprise performances beside the Mickey Mouse-themed lantern and join the parade scheduled for Sunday next week on the closing day.二○一九年台北燈節明日亦將在台北市的西門町登場,遊客將有機會和來自東京迪士尼樂園的米奇與其它角色見面。他們將會在米奇主題花燈附近進行驚喜表演,並預計加入下週日閉幕當天的大遊行。
Meanwhile, the 2019 Pingsi Sky Lantern Festival will take place tomorrow and on Tuesday in New Taipei City’s Pingsi District. Participants from home and abroad are set to release thousands of sky lanterns from Pingsi Junior High School and Shihfen Sky Lantern Plaza to pray for good luck. 同時,二○一九年新北市平溪天燈節將在明日與下週二,在新北市平溪區舉行。來自國內外的參加者,將分別在平溪國中、十分廣場施放數千盞天燈,藉以祈求好運。
(Eddy Chang, Taipei Times)(台北時報張聖恩〉

Friday, February 8, 2019

Happy Lunar New Year! 新年快樂!

Day 1
A: I forgot: we’re not supposed to cook on New Year’s Day. A: 啊,可是我忘記我們家大年初一不開火了。
B: That just means you can’t make new dishes. Eating leftovers from New Year’s Eve means food was plentiful last year, and will continue to be this year. B: 那是指不煮新的菜餚,吃除夕剩下的菜餚,象徵去年的東西吃不完,今年還有剩。
A: So, heating something up or cooking it in different ways doesn’t count. A: 哦,那重新烹煮應該就不在此限了吧。
B: That’s right. So let’s cook the fish head casserole. B: 沒錯,我們來煮砂鍋魚頭吧。

Day 2
A: It’s the second day of the new year. I will visit my grandparents. You coming? A: 今天初二,我要去拜訪外公外婆,你要一起來嗎?
B: Sure. Where are your grandparents from, originally? B: 好哇,你外公外婆是哪裡人呀?
A: My grandfather is from Shandong, my grandmother from Jiangsu. They met and got married in Taiwan. This year is their 60th anniversary. I’m giving them more than usual in their red envelope this year. A: 外公是山東人、外婆是江蘇人,他們在台灣認識結婚的,今年是他們結婚六十週年,我準備了一個大紅包。
B: You’re a good grandson to them. B: 你真的是孝順的外孫耶。

Day 3
A: It’s noon. When are you going to get out of bed? A: 現在是中午了耶,你到底要不要起床?
B: It’s the third day of the new year. According to tradition, I have to sleep until I wake naturally. If you force me out of bed on this day, I will be rushed to do things for the rest of the year. B: 今天是初三,根據習俗我要睡到自然醒。如果你今天催我起床,我一整年都會被催促哦。
A: Fine, you sleep then. If you can’t sleep tonight, that’s your problem. A: 好哦,那你就睡吧,晚上睡不著自己想辦法。
B: Whatever. I’m gearing up for playing video games through the night. B: 那有什麼關係,我已經準備好要打一整個晚上的電動了。

Day 4
A: It’s the fourth day. We’re going to pray to the God of Wealth. Coming? A: 今天是大年初四,我們家要去拜財神,你要不要一起來?
B: Sure. I can catch up on sleep in the car. Where’s the God of Wealth temple? B: 好啊,我可以在車上補眠,哪裡有財神廟呀?
A: We’re going to the Martial God of Wealth temple. There are literary and a military gods. The martial ones have a black face and beard, with a silver whip in one hand and a gold ingot in the other. A: 我們要去武財神廟,財神也有分文武哦。武財神像多是黑面濃鬚,一手執銀鞭,一手持元寶。
B: Sounds interesting. Let me make a cup of coffee first. B: 聽起來好有趣哦,等我煮一杯咖啡喝完就出門。

Day 5
A: The fourth and fifth days are about welcoming the God of Wealth. Many stores open today.A: 初四初五都是迎財神,很多店家今天都開門了。
B: We prayed to him yesterday, today we should clean the house and throw out the garbage. B: 既然我們昨天已經去拜過財神,今天就來打掃家裡跟倒垃圾吧。
A: After I’ve cleaned the house, I can shower. Traditionally, washing is a no-no during the break. A: 好啊,打掃完以後我正好可以去洗澡,習俗說過年期間不要洗澡。
B: Couldn’t you bend the traditions? Not showering for five days is a bit much. B: 你可不可以折衷一點。五天沒洗澡也太可怕了吧。


名詞 Noun

動詞 Verb

形容詞 Adjective

慣用語 Idiom