Sunday, January 20, 2019

Moonlight influences opening and closing of oysters’ shells 月光光心慌慌?研究顯示月光影響牡蠣殼開闔

1. mollusc n. 軟體動物 
2. lunar cycle phr.月週期 
3. circadian clock phr. 日變時鐘 
4. be attuned to phr. 調適於
5. wax v. 月圓;盈 
6. wane v.月虧;衰退 

The gentle glow of moonlight on water has moved musicians, poets and painters — and, it turns out, molluscs. Researchers have discovered the opening and shutting of oysters’ shells appears to be tied to the lunar cycle.
Biological clocks have intrigued scientists for centuries, and researchers in the field won the 2017 Nobel prize for studies into the 24-hour body clock. However, organisms do not necessarily have biological processes linked only to the rhythm of day and night, the circadian clock. Other patterns that include links to the tides have been found for species including the horseshoe crab, and to the phases of the moon for creatures including the bristle worm. Some have suggested the latter may also affect humans.
Now experts say they have found evidence that oysters not only have a circadian clock and a tidal clock, but are also attuned to lunar rhythms. “It was a surprise to see that there is such an effect of the moonlight,” said Laura Payton, co-author of the research from the University of Oldenburg. Writing in the Biology Letters journal, Payton and her colleague Damien Tran from the University of Bordeaux describe how they tracked the behavior of 12 Pacific oysters submerged off the French coast over three-and-a-half lunar cycles from the end of 2014.
The team used electrodes to track the molluscs’ degree of opening every 1.6 seconds and looked at astronomical data to assess how much of the moon was illuminated. The results reveal the oysters were most open in the buildup to — and presence of — a new moon, and less open as the moon entered first quarter and full phases. The team says that suggests oysters can sense moonlight — even though it is far less intense than the sun’s rays.
The team suggests the increased opening of the oysters when moonlight levels are lower might be linked to the possibility that more food is available at low light levels: previous studies have suggested the movement of plankton also appears to be influenced by light. “We know that oysters open their valves when there is food,” Payton said.However, Payton said the situation was complex, noting the creatures appeared to be able to tell if the moon was waxing or waning: the oysters were generally more open during the third quarter than the first quarter. Payton said one possibility was that the benthic bivalves may have evolved an internal lunar clock, rather than passively relying on direct cues. In that case, she added, the moonlight sensed by the oyster would help keep this clock in sync with the environment rather than directly triggering the opening and shutting of the shell — similar to how humans use daylight to keep their internal 24-hour clock on track.
However, the study did not look at the impact of the moon on oysters’ behavior in all seasons, or take into account cloud cover — and hence the actual level of moonlight the molluscs experienced. David Wilcockson, a senior lecturer in aquatic biology at Aberystwyth University, said there were still many mysteries in the field. “We know that, for example, tidal, lunar and circadian clocks appear to have separate mechanisms, but they are to some extent linked — and we don’t know quite how and to what level,” he said.
Wilcockson said human activity could cause unexpected problems in marine environments — an issue research like the latest study could help examine. “If you have coastal lighting, for example, or lighting on marine structures, then of course we don’t really know what the impacts of those might be,” he said. 


Wednesday, January 2, 2019

New Year's Resolutions新年決心

A: Have you made any New Year’s resolutions this year? 你今年有沒有許下什麼新年願望?
B: I’m going to stop eating cakes for two months; I need to lose weight. And you? 我要戒吃蛋糕兩個月,我需要減重。你呢?
A: My new year resolution is to learn to play the piano. I’ve been meaning to do it for ages, but keep putting it off.我的新年願望是去學彈鋼琴。我想做這件事好久了,但一直在拖延。
B: It will take years of hard work to become really proficient. Good luck. 這要花上好幾年的努力才能彈得很熟練。祝你好運。

2019 Yoga Challenges for the New Year:
30 Day Yoga Journey Dedicate (Adriene Mishler)
30 Day Yoga Journey (Om Stars)
Transform Your Life: 30 Day Beginner Challenge (Do Yoga with Me)
Yoga for Strength: 30 Day Challenge (Yoga International's Free Trial)
Previous Year's Yoga Challenges 2018, 2017

New Year's Eve 除夕

A: Have you got any plans for celebrating New Year’s Eve tonight?
A: 你今天晚上有什麼慶祝跨年夜的計畫嗎?
B: No, I’m going to have a quiet night in. I don’t like parties.
B: 沒有耶,我要待在室內過一個安安靜靜的晚上。我不喜歡派對。
A: That’s so boring. Why don’t you celebrate with us? We’re going to watch the fireworks.
A: 那太無聊了吧。為什麼不來跟我們慶祝呢?我們要去看煙火。
B: That’s very kind, but I suffer from agoraphobia. Large crowds make me uneasy.
B: 感謝你的好意,但我有廣場恐懼症。大量的人潮讓我很不自在。


名詞 Noun

動詞 Verb

形容詞 Adjective

慣用語 Idiom