Thursday, December 21, 2017

Listening to too much Christmas music is bad for your health 臨床心理學家:聽太多耶誕音樂對健康有害

  1. Grinch:美國作家蘇斯博士(Dr. Seuss)所著繪本《鬼靈精》(The Grinch)的主角,因看不慣人們大肆慶祝耶誕節而趁機大搞破壞。
  2. insipid:形容詞,枯燥乏味的。例句:The creative director disapproved of those insipid proposals. (創意總監不認同那些枯燥乏味的提案。)
  3. tune out:動詞片語,充耳不聞。例句:As soon as my parents argued, I just tuned out.(每當我爸媽吵起來,我就假裝沒聽到。)

It’s the news that Grinches everywhere have been waiting for: overdosing on festive music is officially bad for your mental health. 這是一則鬼靈精們久候的新聞:聽太多節慶音樂對你的心理健康真的有不良影響。

The clangy harmonies and insipid lyrics in a Christmas song make Christmas haters want to say "bah humbug"at every smiling passer-by in a bobble hat. Christmas songs also stop us from being able to focus on anything other than mince pies and mistletoe. 耶誕歌曲中作為和聲的叮噹鈴響,以及枯燥乏味的歌詞,讓痛恨耶誕節的人想對每個戴著絨球帽、一臉笑嘻嘻的行人大呼「騙人的玩意兒」。耶誕歌曲也讓我們無法專注在百果派、槲寄生以外的東西。

According to psychologist Linda Blair, listening to "Santa Claus is coming to town" on repeat could actually have a negative effect on your brain. 心理學家琳達.布萊爾指出,重複聽《耶誕老人進城去》其實對你的大腦有負面影響。

"People working in the shops at Christmas have to tune out Christmas music because if they don’t, it really does stop you from being able to focus on anything else," she told Sky News.她向英國「天空新聞台」表示:「商店人員在耶誕節期間,必須對耶誕音樂充耳不聞,因為如果他們不這麼做,就無法專注在其他事情上面。」

However, research shows that striking a good balance between festive smells and music can positively affect the shopping environment, making customers happier and eager to spend more time in a shop to boost sales. 然而,研究也顯示,只要能在耶誕節的氣味和音樂之間找到平衡點,就能對購物環境起正面作用,讓客人更開心,願意花更多時間走逛,刺激銷售表現。

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