Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Man in thirties nearly dies of heart attack following drop in temperature 天冷氣溫低 三旬男心肌梗塞險死

1. artery n.動脈
2. block v. 阻塞
3. cardiogenic shock phr. 心因性休克
4. cold sweat phr. 盜汗

A 37-year-old man recently went to the Changhua Christian Hospital after experiencing sudden chest pain. During a cardiac catheterization, which revealed that his right coronary artery was completely blocked, the man suddenly suffered heart failure due to cardiogenic shock. The doctor immediately performed a surgery to unblock the arteries that supply blood to the heart and, with the help of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) equipment, saved the man’s life. The patient had not had a health check-up for some time, and was unaware he had diabetes and high blood sugar.日前一名年三十七歲的男子因突發胸痛前往彰化基督教醫院就醫,透過心導管檢查發現右冠狀動脈完全阻塞。檢查過程中,男子突然心臟衰竭及心因性休克,醫師使用葉克膜搶救並迅速打通血管,救回一命。原來該名自認健康的病患,早有糖尿病及高血脂,只是一直未檢查而不自知。
Changhua Christian Hospital cardiology physician Chien Szu-chi points out that myocardial infarctions, commonly known as heart attacks, usually occur to people of age 50 and above with high risks of cardiovascular diseases. However, he adds, with increased consumption nowadays of refined foods and exposure to additional environmental risk factors, people are developing high blood pressure, high blood sugar and high blood fats, as well as having heart attacks, at increasingly younger ages. 彰化基督教醫院心臟血管內科醫師簡思齊指出,心肌梗塞好發於五十歲以上有心血管風險者,但隨著國人飲食習慣精緻化及環境中的危險因子增加,導致高血壓、高血糖和高血脂的「三高」發生年齡及心肌梗塞發生年齡都下降。
Cold snaps and extremely hot weather can also increase the chances of heart attack. When a heart attack occurs, the patient should be sent to hospital immediately, as acute myocardial infarction can lead to death within an hour. 心肌梗塞也好發於寒流來襲或高溫天熱時,一旦急性心肌梗塞發作,應盡速送醫。急性心肌梗塞使患者可能在發病後一個小時內猝死。
Typical symptoms of heart attack include sustained chest pain, cold sweats and difficulty breathing, Chien says. 簡思齊說,持續性胸痛、盜汗和呼吸困難是最典型的發病癥狀。
People with a family history of heart attacks are advised to undergo regular yearly health checks. 如果家族中有心肌梗塞病史者,建議每年接受檢查。
( Liberty Times, translated by Tu Yu-an)

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