Friday, May 31, 2013

Exercise, less sitting time, linked to better sleep 少坐多動 或可改善睡眠

A boy tries out a treadmill at a promotional event in Beijing, China on April 29.

Photo: EPA

Insomniacs looking for a good night’s sleep may want to hit the treadmill, take a walk or play a game of golf or tennis, because a new report released on March 4 shows that exercise promotes good sleep, and the more vigorous the workout the better.
Just 10 minutes of exercise a day could make a difference in the duration and quality of sleep, the survey by the non-profit National Sleep Foundation showed.
“We found that exercise and great sleep go together, hand in hand,” Max Hirshkowitz, a sleep researcher and the chair of the poll task force, said in an interview.
“We also found a step-wise increase in how vigorous the quality is, in terms of how much you exercise. So if you say you exercise a lot, we found better sleep quality. For people who don’t exercise at all we found more sleep problems.”
Earlier research studies have shown the impact of exercise on sleep, but Hirshkowitz, who is a professor at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, said the survey is the first to detail the benefits of exercise in a nationally representative poll of this size.
People who described themselves as exercisers reported better sleep than their more sedentary counterparts, although the amount of sleep, an average of just under seven hours on weeknights, was the same.


1. vigorous adj.
激烈的 (ji1 lie4 de5)
例: Vigorous activities help you burn more calories.

2. step-wise adj.
逐步的;循序漸進的 (zhu2 bu4 de5; xun2 xu4 jian4 jin4 de5)
例: It is a step-wise method.

3. sedentary adj.
不常運動的;久坐的 (bu4 chang2 yun4 dong4 de5; jiu3 zuo4 de5)
例: I’m bored with sedentary work.

This Shiva-Rea style flow is challenging, fun and full of energy. Tianne livens it up with her enthusiastic guidance.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Summer is the season for swimmer’s ear 夏天戲水 急性外耳炎多三成

People wash their hair and go swimming more often in the summer, and with more water entering the ears along with damage caused by improper cleaning, symptoms, for example, pain, itching, secretions and odors, can also occur more frequently.

Otolaryngologists, or ear, nose and throat doctors, have recently seen a 30 percent increase in cases of acute otitis externa, or swimmer’s ear, which if left untreated could get worse and cause the eardrum to rupture, do damage to the middle ear, and possibly affect one’s hearing.

Swimmer’s ear is very common during the summer months. Wu Sih-wei, director of Taichung Hospital’s Department of Otolaryngology, says that around 90 percent of swimmer’s ear cases are water-related. Water can easily enter the ear when washing one’s hair, rinsing off in the shower or taking a dip in the pool to cool off. When the inside of the ear is wet and moist, people will usually want to dig around in their ears, but because the skin inside the ear canal is quite thin, damage can easily be done, causing inflammation if the water inside the ear is unsanitary.

Many people this summer with ear infections are exhibiting the symptoms of pain and itching, and subsequently digging moist, odorous secretions out of their ears. In severe cases, people are not going to the doctor until pus starts running out of their ears. Most of the cases that doctors are seeing are swimmer’s ear. If the condition grows worse, it could cause the eardrum to rupture or otitis media, commonly called middle ear infection.

Aside from swimmer’s ear, many people are also getting chronic infections due to outer ear infections caused by mold, which also causes pain, itching and secretions.

Wu suggests wearing earplugs when swimming to keep water from entering the ears, and says people should not use cotton swabs or Q-tips to clean their ears after taking a shower or washing their hair to avoid doing damage to the ear canal and causing infection. Wu also adds that people should not use the same cotton swabs or Q-tips that have been used by other people when visiting hair or beauty salons.

(Liberty Times, Translated by Kyle Jeffcoat)


1. inflammation n.
發炎 (fa1 yan2)
例: Inflammation can be caused by infection.

2. symptom n.
症狀 (zheng4 zhuang4)
例: A runny nose and a sore throat are typical symptoms of the common cold.

3. cotton swab n. phr.
棉花棒 (mian2 hua1 bang4)
例: Using cotton swabs is not a medically recommended method for removing earwax.





Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Humming Bee Breath/ Bhramari Pranayama

90 percent less bees this year worries beekeepers 蜜蜂少九成 養蜂人家苦

Chang Ching-po, head of the beekeeper class at Keelung Farmers’ Association, holds up a beehive in Keelung on March 21.

Photo: Yu Chao-fu, Liberty Times

With flowers not blooming due to a climate in chaos and a long rainy season, only 150 of 500 hives kept by the 19 beekeepers at Keelung Farmers Association’ are left. Chang Ching-po, head of the beekeeper class there, said that each hive originally had 20,000 bees but now only has 3,000, leaving only a million of the usual 10 million bees, which is a big loss.
Chang said there are still two months until the spring honey is harvested during the fourth month of the lunar calendar, and that all they can do now is hope for normal weather and that it will stop raining so much. This way the number of bees increases, they have a normal harvest, and can lower their losses.
Chang also said it has been raining nonstop in Keelung since October last year and that there have been very few days with nice weather, which is a huge thorn in the side for beekeepers in the Keelung area. Abnormal weather coupled with low temperatures is making bees unwilling to leave their hives.
He said the main problem is that it keeps raining, which has affected the blooming of flowers in the Cidu mountain area. Flowers are now withering before they even begin to bloom because of the heavy rains. While they wait in their hives for good weather, the bees do not go out to get pollen and nectar, seriously affecting the amount of honey being produced. Chang said the scope of beekeeping at Keelung Farmers’ Association includes the Cidu mountain area, and Nuannuan and Anle districts, all of which are facing the same problem. Chang originally had 110 hives, which should each have 20,000 bees, but now there are only 20 hives left with less than 4,000 bees in each one.
Chang also said he has not seen such strange phenomena in over a decade. If bees are not freezing to death, they are dying outside. Aside from affecting the honey harvest, it will also influence the price of honey. He just hopes good weather comes quickly and things return to normal in the remaining two months.


Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happy Mother's Day 母親節 Series

There are thousands of yoga videos out there and I've sifted through them joyfully to find these little nuggets.有成千的瑜伽影帶在市面上,過篩選後,我很高興地找到這些很棒的寶貝。 I hope in whatever stage of Motherhood you are in, that you enjoy your body and breath and learn something new.  不管你現在處於任何階段的母親,我希望你能享受你的身體、氣息和學習新的東西。
If you are not a Mom, you can be someone who can practice yoga and intentionally dedicate your practice to a mother today. 如果你不是一個媽媽,你可以成為一個練習瑜伽的人,而且可以把你的練習在今天特意地獻給一個母親。

Part 1: Fertility 生育能力 Yoga

Friday, May 10, 2013

Women still confronted with yawning gender wage gap 女性仍面臨極大的性別薪資落差

(Our Mother's Day 母親節 Series Part 7: Yoga for Busy Moms)

Heidi Gauthier, left, helps jobseeker Jennifer Thomas look at job postings online at a community center in Washington on June 1.

Photo: Bloomberg

In most common occupations women still make less than men doing the same job for an equal amount of hours, according to new data released on April 17. Overall they earn 77 cents for each dollar made annually by men and for some jobs, such as financial manager, the number drops to 66 cents.
“These gender wage gaps are not about women choosing to work less than men — the analysis is comparing apples to apples, men and women who all work full time — and we see that across 40 common occupations, men nearly always earn more than women,” said Ariane Hegewisch, a study director at the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR), a non-profit research organization.
She added that the reasons are varied but discrimination law cases show that women are less likely to be selected for the best jobs, they get hired at a lower rate and don’t get equivalent raises to men over the years.
“Discrimination in who gets hired for the best jobs hits all women but particularly black and Hispanic women,” Hegewisch explained.


1. yawning adj.
極大的 (ji2 da4 de5)
例: There is a yawning discrepancy on the balance sheet.

2. discrimination n.
歧視 (qi2 shi4)
例: Women are still fighting discrimination in the workplace.

3. raise n.
加薪 (jia1 xin1)
例: I got a raise at last.

Summer babies less likely to be CEOs 夏天出生的寶寶較不可能當上CEO

(Our Mother's Day 母親節 Series Part 6: Mommy and Baby Yoga)

A baby is seen at The Vatican on Jan. 13.

Photo: AFP

People born during the summer are less likely to be CEOs, according to a new study from the University of British Columbia.
The study investigated the birth month of 375 CEOs from S&P 500 companies and found a significantly lower amount of CEOs were born in June and July compared to other months.
June babies accounted for six percent of CEOs, while July babies made up only five percent.
Babies born in March and April were most likely to be CEOs, accounting for 12 percent and 10 percent of the sample respectively.
Sauder School of Business professor Maurice Levi explained the “birth-date effect,” a phenomenon based on the way children are grouped by age in school, was to blame for the discrepancy.
The pattern is due in part to the cutoff dates that US schools use to determine when children start kindergarten.
Because the cutoff generally falls between September and early January, summer babies are usually the youngest in their class. Those born in April enjoy a somewhat higher likelihood of becoming a CEO because children born in that month are sometimes held back a year, making them the oldest in their class.
“Older children within the same grade tend to do better than the youngest, who are less intellectually developed,” Levi said. “Early success is often rewarded with leadership roles and enriched learning opportunities, leading to future advantages that are magnified throughout life.”
(Liberty Times)

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Traditional postnatal confinement taboos in need of updating 坐月子禁忌 宜與時俱進

(Our Mother's Day 母親節 Series Part 5: Postnatal 產後 Yoga)

A woman who just gave birth rests on a bed along with her newborn baby in the post delivery ward at a community health center in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh on Feb. 24.

Photo: Reuters

Are there any taboos that need to be respected when it comes to zuoyuezi 產後坐月子 (postnatal confinement)? Gynecologists are saying that as time progresses the standards of lying-in for the modern postpartum woman should be relaxed, and the old rules no longer need to be followed.
Chen Tsai-chuan, director of gynecology at Greater Taichung’s Lin Shin Hospital, says the belief that postpartum mothers must avoid showering or washing their hair to avoid catching a cold is not wrong, but advances in technology mean that we now have hair dryers and heaters, so there is not much risk of catching a cold if the postpartum mother dries her hair immediately after showering and stays warm.
Gender specialist Huang Rui-ru says that gender-related problems often have to do with communication and living habits. She says some new mothers suffer postpartum depression because they feel scared about having to fill so many roles at once. Huang says that friends of new mothers, as well as the families of the husband and wife, should show more concern for them.
Mothers-in-law might insist that their postpartum daughters-in-law follow traditional postnatal confinement norms out of concern for them, but when miscommunication occurs it can easily make a person feel burdened instead of loved.
Huang says that people should adjust their way of thinking to keep pace with the times, adding that many central air conditioning systems are excellent nowadays, so using air conditioning will not adversely affect a postpartum mother. She also says people should not get divorced simply because they have different views regarding postnatal confinement, because it is not a good thing for a child to be brought into this world only to be separated from its parents.
(Liberty Times, Translated by Kyle Jeffcoat)


1. to catch a cold v. phr.
感冒 (gan3 mao4)
例: Robby caught a cold, so he’s resting at home today.

2. hair dryer n.
吹風機 (chui1 feng1 ji1)
例: My hair dryer broke, so my hair was still wet when I got to work.

3. daughter-in-law n.
媳婦 (xi2 fu4)
例: She doesn’t get along with her daughter-in-law.

Woman gives birth in rescue helicopter 婦女在救難直昇機上生產

(Our Mother's Day 母親節 Series Part 4: Childbirth 分娩 Yoga)

Photo: AFP


A woman has given birth to a 3,175g baby boy in a helicopter taking her to hospital from her home on the northernmost Shetland island of Unst in the UK.
Shetland Coastguard received a call from her doctor at 4:30am, asking about ferry times from the island to the hospital in Lerwick, capital of the island chain.
It was decided to send a helicopter, which landed on Unst 90 minutes later — but not soon enough, as it turned out.
The woman was quickly put on board, but minutes after the helicopter took off she started to give birth.
It was left to paramedic Marcus Wigfull, who had only ever visited maternity wards during his training, to deliver the child.
“To be honest, I wasn't nervous,” said the 40-year-old father of two children aged five and 10.
“It all happened so quickly and my training just kicked in. It all went very smoothly.”
(Liberty Times)


October babies more prone to allergies 十月出生台灣囝仔 最容易過敏

(Our Mother's Day 母親節 Series Part 3: Prenatal 產前 Yoga)

Two babies are seen in this photo taken in Greater Taichung on March 26.

Photo courtesy of Su Hsien-min

Many parents worry about their children being predisposed to allergies, but what most people do not know is that the month in which a child is born can make a big difference. A recent study shows that Taiwanese children born in October are the most likely to have problems with allergies and that their risk of asthma is 30 percent higher than other babies. Children born in May, on the other hand, are 20 to 30 percent less likely to develop asthma.
During a symposium held by the Taiwan Pediatric Association on April 27, Kuo Ho-chang, an attending physician at Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital’s Department of Pediatric Allergy, Immunology and Rheumatology, discussed the results of a recent health data survey conducted in 2010 that included 15,483 children between the ages of 7 and 15. The study analyzed three different allergic conditions — hay fever, atopic dermatitis and asthma — and the relationship to the month in which a child was born.
It found that the prevalence rates for hay fever and atopic dermatitis show no correlation to the month in which a baby is born. However, the prevalence of asthma among babies born in October was 10.59 percent higher, making them 30 percent more at risk than other babies, followed by August, September and November respectively, all of which had prevalence rates of nine percent. Babies born in May had the lowest prevalence rate of asthma and were 20 to 30 percent less likely to suffer from asthma.
Kuo says that the purpose of the study was not to scare women into choosing specific months to have their babies, but rather to remind women who will have babies during that particular time to watch their health, keep their surroundings clean and be careful about which baby foods they select for their baby. Kuo says that dust mites multiply during the fall, which could be what causes babies to develop bad allergies, so he says that it is important to keep one’s living environment clean.

Babies are also predisposed to allergies if their mother also has bad allergies, so Kuo says that pregnant women should avoid consuming potential allergens, including crab, shrimp, egg whites and milk, if they have an expected date of delivery in the fall months. When you start giving baby food to babies it is also important to avoid seafood additives and carefully observe which foods give the baby an allergic skin reaction, he says.

1. asthma n.
氣喘 (qi4 chuan3)
例: Brian had an asthma attack but didn’t have his inhaler, so he was rushed to the hospital.
2. multiply v.
繁殖 (fan2 zhi2)
例: The bacteria in the food multiplied rapidly due to the hot weather.
3. additive n.
添加物;添加劑 (tian1 jia1 wu4; tian1 jia1 ji4)
例: Antioxidant additives do not necessarily make a food healthy.
(Liberty Times, Translated by Kyle Jeffcoat)


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名詞 Noun

動詞 Verb

形容詞 Adjective

慣用語 Idiom