Wednesday, July 26, 2017

FDA raises iodine limit in salt to prevent thyroid disorders 減少甲狀腺問題 食鹽添碘限量提高

1. iodine n. 碘 
2. thyroid gland phr. 甲狀腺 
3. seaweed n. 海帶 
4. scallop n. 干貝 

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on June 29 announced new limits for iodine levels in salt, which have now been increased from between 12mg and 20mg per kilogram to 20mg to 33mg per kilogram.
Iodine provides the necessary nutrition for maintaining healthy thyroid glands, while the lack of it can result in insufficient thyroid hormone and lead to hypothyroidism and enlarged thyroid glands.
A common food source of iodine is seafood, including seaweed, hairtails, scallops, mussels and sea cucumbers.
FDA section chief Kao Yi-ting says that the administration decided to raise the limit of iodine levels in salt after surveys by the Health Promotion Administration showed that seaweed and nori are not part of the typical Taiwanese diet. People who need more iodine in their diet are advised to choose salt with added iodine over regular salt, the FDA says.
The FDA has in the last year set down new labeling rules for salt products with and without iodine – specifically on product names, disclaimers and other information – to help consumers quickly understand them. The new rules regarding labeling and iodine levels took effect on July 1.
(Liberty Times, translated by Tu Yu-an)


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Saturday, July 15, 2017

What did ancient Chinese people eat in summer? 沒有霜淇淋,古人夏天都吃什麼?

Su shan 酥山

Su shan is a dish that looks like crushed ice with milk and butter. 酥山是一種用牛奶、奶油製成的看起來像刨冰的美食。 Poet Wang Lingran from the Tang Dynasty (618-907) described how people made and enjoyed su shan in his poem Ode to Su He Shan. According to the text, sugar was added to su shan that was shaped into many forms. Sometimes, su shan was decorated with flowers and leaves to make it more beautiful. 唐代詩人王泠然在詩歌《蘇合山賦》中描述了人們如何製作和享用酥山。根據詩中所介紹的,人們在酥中加入糖,並做出各種造型。有時候,酥山還用花朵、樹葉作為裝飾。

"It is neither solid, nor watery and disappears once it touches teeth," the poet wrote. 王泠然在詩中寫道:"非固非絺;觸皓齒而便消"。

The su shan in his poem was thought by many scholars to be an early form of ice cream. However, only the royals and nobles were lucky enough to have large iceboxes to create the delicacy in summer. 他筆下的酥山被很多學者認為是霜淇淋的早期形態。不過,只有王公貴族才有幸擁有大型冰窖來製作這一夏日美食。

Ice and iced beverages 冰食和冷飲

Although there were no fridges in ancient times, iceboxes to store ice cubes in summer had become very common in rich families by the Tang Dynasty. 儘管古代沒有冰箱,但有錢人家夏天用冰窖來儲存冰塊在唐代已經很普遍了。 At that time, people either had ice water or crunched shaved ice. 那時候,人們既可以喝冰水也可以吃冰沙。 People could easily buy iced beverages on the street during the Song Dynasty (960-1279). As a community service, some rich people even provided free ice water and medicine on the street for free. 在宋代,人們很容易就能在街上買到用冰鎮的冷飲。一些有錢人家甚至義務地在街頭路邊"散暑藥冰水"。 Ice water sold during the Song Dynasty was often added to mung beans or licorice to help prevent heat stroke. 宋代市面上出售的冰水還經常被加入綠豆湯或甘草湯來幫助人們祛暑降溫。

Cherries with cheese and cane syrup 糖酪澆櫻桃

During the Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern dynasties (220-581), dairy food appeared more frequently on ancient Chinese people's tables. 在魏晉南北朝時期,乳製品越來越多地出現在中國古人的餐桌上。 People made three kinds of cheese. One was called tian lao, or sweet cheese, which tasted like cheese yet looked like yogurt. Another is gan lao, or dried cheese, similar to solid cheese eaten today. The last one is cu lao, a kind of half-sour, half-sweet cheese, like yogurt. 當時有三種酪製品。一種叫甜酪,味道是乳酪的口感,但形態上更近似優酪乳。另一種叫乾酪,比較接近我們今天吃的固態西式乳酪製品。還有一種叫酢酪,類似於優酪乳,味道酸甜。 The climate in the Yellow River area in the Tang Dynasty was warmer and moister, very different from today. Many cherry trees were planted there at that time. The fruit was common in early summer and people often added cheese and cane syrup to the cherries. 唐代黃河流域的氣候更為溫暖潮濕,與今日很不相同。許多櫻桃樹就是在那個時候被栽種在那裡的。初夏櫻桃大量結實,人們經常將乳酪、蔗糖和櫻桃混拌在一起享用。

Lu You, a noted poet from the Song Dynasty, once wrote: "eat cherry, peach and cheese at the same time". 宋代詩人陸游有詩句雲:"蠟櫻、桃子、酪同時。" Thus in the Song Dynasty, when ancient Chinese people sent cherries as gifts, cheese was often presented together. 因而在宋代,古人在饋贈櫻桃的時候,常常連同乳酪一併奉送。 When rich noble people had cherries with cheese and cane syrup, they often used plates and bowls made of gold or colored glaze to make the fruit look more mouthwatering. 當富有的貴人享用糖酪澆櫻桃時,他們經常用金盤、彩畫榼等器皿來盛放,讓這道美食在視覺上更加賞心悅目。

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Centenarian woman recites ancient Chinese poems in Hoklo 一百多歲人瑞 台語背古詩不跳針

1. well-versed adj. 熟知的;通曉的 例: 
I’m not well-versed in legal ethics. (我並不熟知法律倫理。)
2. in the blink of an eye idiom 頃刻間;轉瞬間 
例: In the blink of an eye our daughter has grown up and is going off to college. (吾家有女初長成,轉眼間就要念大學了。)
3. humble v. 使地位降低;使威信掃地 
例: She was humbled after failing to win the competition. (競賽失利使她丟臉。)

At 103 Lee Liu Su is still bright-eyed and perky-eared, and many professors and university students concede inferiority as verses of antiquity flow from her lips. Lee garnered immense admiration from her audience when she recited, without the slightest bit of hesitation, Tang Dynasty poet Bai Juyi’s “Swallow song for Liu the elder” in Hoklo (commonly known as Taiwanese) at the Dounan Township Office’s auditorium on Aug. 3.
Lee was born in 1911 in Gukeng Township’s present-day Yongguang Village — formerly called Kantoucuo Village. She belonged to Yong Guang Elementary School’s sixth graduating class, which at the time was also called Kantoucuo Elementary School. Although able to speak fluent Japanese after graduating, having attended elementary school during Japanese colonial rule, Lee could still only read a limited number of Chinese characters. At the age of 17, she was married off to Dounan Township, where her father-in-law Lee Yun-tsong taught her to read Chinese characters.
Lee Shao-chu, Lee’s daughter, says that her grandfather appreciated literature and was well-versed in poetry. Lee first fell in love with poetry on her third day of marriage, when her father-in-law began teaching her Chinese characters, poetry from the Tang Dynasty and ancient verses. It seems like 80-odd years have passed in the blink of an eye. Lee read books and recited poems every day until she turned 100 and her eyesight began rapidly deteriorating. After many admonishments from her family, Lee gradually decreased the time she spent reading.
Lee demurely says that since she is getting on in years, she often remembers the title of a poem but forgets the first line when trying to recite it, so she either has to take a moment or ask someone standing next to her to remind her. Because she studied with her father-in-law for five years when she was young, she managed to memorize all 300 of the classic Tang poems in Taiwanese so well that she could actually recite them backwards and forwards.
Lee was voted model senior this year. At the commendation ceremony on Sunday last week, many present were humbled when Lee signed her name so carefully and neatly. Guests at the event requested that she recite Bai’s “Swallow song for Liu the elder.” This time she did not require any cues from anyone, and reeled off all 150 words of the poem at one go without any pause or stutter. Lee was on a roll and also fluently recited all 70 words from Li Bai’s “Drinking alone under the moonlight.” Everyone applauded and sang her praises.
(Liberty Times, Translated by Kyle Jeffcoat)


Yoga for Women 女性

Beauty 美人
Childbirth 分娩
Confidence 信心
Cosmetic Surgery 整容外科手術
Domestic Violence 女性遭受的家庭暴力
Fertility 生殖力
Forgiveness 原諒
Grief 悲哀
Hangovers 宿醉
Headaches 頭痛
Libido 性慾,性衝動
Longevity長壽 (Body Shape, Sex)
Menstruation 行經
Mothers/ Part 2 母親身分
Obesity 胖的

Friday, July 7, 2017

Copenhagen's iconic Little Mermaid statue is doused in red paint by animal rights activists protesting against whale slaughter 抗議捕鯨,丹麥小美人魚雕像被噴紅漆

A Little Mermaid statue has been coated in red paint by animal rights activists protesting brutal whale hunts in Denmark. 為抵制丹麥殘忍的捕鯨活動,動物權利保護人士將小美人魚雕像塗滿了紅漆。 The 94-year-old monument, a tribute to Danish storyteller Hans Christian Andersen, was found covered in paint on Tuesday morning.週二清晨,小美人魚雕像被發現噴滿了紅漆。這座有94年歷史的雕像是為了向丹麥童話作家漢斯•克利斯蒂安•安徒生致敬。

Vandals had then written 'Denmark defend the whales of the Faroe Islands' on a footpath nearby. 破壞者還在附近的一條小徑上寫下"丹麥應當保護法羅群島的鯨魚"。 Every year around 800 pilot whales are herded into coves on the Faroe Islands before being stabbed to death during a hunt known as grindadrap - or 'the grind'. 每年,約八百頭領航鯨被趕進法羅群島的海灣,然後在被稱為"法羅群島捕鯨行動"中被殺死。 Traditionally a bonfire was lit when a pod of whales was spotted near the islands in order to alert fishermen to ready their boats.傳統習慣是,每當在島嶼附近出現一群鯨魚,就會有人點燃篝火,提醒漁民準備船隻出航捕獵。

Today word spreads on social media before the vessels head out to drive the mammals into the shore.
而現在,在船隻驅趕鯨魚靠岸前,捕鯨的消息會通過社交媒體傳播。 Hunters armed with knives mounted on long poles then gather in a cove, where they kill the animals by severing their spinal chords and arteries. 捕鯨者們會帶上有長杆的刀,聚集在一個海灣旁。在那裡,他們會切斷鯨魚的脊椎和動脈來殺死它們。 The practice dates back at least 300 years. Locals say the whales are not under threat and the killings violate no laws. 這樣的捕鯨行動可以追溯到至少300年前。當地人說,鯨魚並沒有受到數量銳減的威脅,而且這種捕鯨行動是並不違法。

The Faroe Islands comprises 17 inhabited islands located around 260 miles north of John O'Groats, Scotland. 法羅群島位於蘇格蘭約翰奧格羅茨以北約260英里處,包含17個有人居住的島嶼。 In the 1940s the population voted to succeed from Denmark, but after the government failed to agree a deal the proposal was dropped in favour of laws allowing greater home rule.  在二十世紀四十年代,法羅群島通過公投脫離丹麥,但政府未能達成協議,所以該提案被放棄了,取而代之的是更加寬鬆的群島內部法。

Today the islands are largely self-governing, though still technically part of the Kingdom of Denmark. 如今,法羅群島在很大程度上都是自治的,不過,從嚴格意義上講,該群島仍是丹麥王國的一部分。

Pilot whales are highly sociable and intelligent creatures, and researchers believe they are capable of grief and may even possess their own culture. 領航鯨是具有高級社交能力和智力的生物。研究人員認為它們有悲傷的能力,甚至可能擁有自己的文化。The Faroese hunts rely on the whales' loyalty to work, as the mammals will attempt to defend each other even while being hacked to death. 法羅群島捕鯨活動主要利用的是鯨魚對族群的忠誠。因為這種哺乳動物即便要被襲擊殺死也會試圖保護彼此。

Finished in 1913, the Little Mermaid statue spent its first 50 years virtually untouched, before becoming a target for politically-minded vandals. 小美人魚雕像於1913年完工,前五十年一直安然無恙,直到被有政治頭腦的破壞者設為目標。 The bronze sculpture was first doused with paint in 1963, with copycat vandalisms in 1972, 2006, and two in 2007. 這座青銅雕塑在1963年首次被破壞者塗上了油漆,接著在1972年和2006年各有一次類似的遭遇,2007年被塗了兩次。

The most well-known defacing occurred in 1964 when the mermaid's head was cut off and stolen by artists from the Situationist movement. 最臭名昭著的損毀雕像事件發生在1964年,雕塑的頭部被幾個情境主義運動藝術家切下並偷走。Police never recovered the head, and a new one had to be cast. 警方未能追回雕塑的頭部,不得不為小美人魚重新澆築了一個頭。

In 1984 the right arm was cut off from the wrist to the shoulder, before being returned two days later.
1984年,小美人魚的右臂被從肩膀處割斷,兩天后才被還回來。There was another failed decapitation in 1990, before someone succeeded in removing the head again in 1998. 1990年,有人蓄謀再次割下小美人魚的頭部,但是失敗了。而在1998年,小美人魚的頭部又被割走了. Again the culprit was never caught, though this time the head was returned to a local television station and reattached. 同上一次一樣,作案者一直未被抓獲。但是這一次雕塑頭部被送回了當地的一家電視臺,後來又被重新安了回去。

In 2004 explosives were used to blow the mermaid off her pedestal, and she was later found floating in the harbour with holes in her knee and waist. 2004年,有人用炸藥將小美人魚從基座上炸了下來,被發現漂浮在港口附近,膝蓋和腰部佈滿了小洞。


名詞 Noun

動詞 Verb

形容詞 Adjective

慣用語 Idiom