Sunday, February 22, 2015

福壽雙全! Zodiac prediction for this year

The Sheep (羊)

Years: 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
People born under the sign of the Sheep tend to be arty. They are good at what they do, and feel most comfortable in the Great Outdoors. Given to feelings of insecurity, they need to feel loved and protected. They prefer a quiet life, and like neither confrontation nor making important decisions. As such, they are not suited to a career in business, and are more suited to arts, crafts and creativity.
In love, they can be romantic and gentle, but occasionally also bossy and unwilling to work hard for the relationship. They do not dare to express their love openly.
The Sheep: This year is the Year of the Sheep, and this means it will be a year of many changes for people born under this sign. They should go with the flow, and not get caught up in things that lead nowhere. They will need to proceed carefully.


1. 羊腸小道 narrow and winding road
例: We used to go rambling along the narrow, winding country roads.

2. 順手牽羊  to take advantage of a crisis for personal gain
例: His New Year’s resolution was to drop his bad habit of taking advantage all the time.

3. 餓虎撲羊 like a famished tiger pouncing upon a sheep
例: He must be really hungry, the way he pounced on that food.

Monkey 猴

Years: 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004
People born under the sign of the Monkey are fun-loving, energetic people, always the center of attention in a crowd. If you need anyone to help you solve a problem, these are your people. Don’t expect them to tell you what they really think, although it is easy to tell whether they are up or in a foul mood.

In love, they can be passionate but flighty. They can also be jealous, suspicious, cunning and selfish. They are occasionally arrogant and can look down upon others.


The Monkey: This year, people born under the sign of the Monkey could see their power and status improve. There will be important people coming from far away, and their talents may be appreciated. If they take action and hold firm, they may well receive help from these important individuals, to make this a lucky year for them indeed.

1. 殺雞儆猴  to make an example (as a warning)
例: The new coach made an example of one of the players right from the beginning, making all the other members of the team anxious.

Rooster 雞

Years: 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005
People born under the sign of the Rooster tend to think a lot. They can be very astute and discerning, and are honest, smart, perceptive, communicative, ambitious, competent, self-sufficient and caring.They can also turn cold on ideas they were initially very enthusiastic about, and can find it difficult relating to others or admit they are wrong.
They can be subject to mood swings, and can be narrow-minded and vain. However, roosters are often fiercely loyal and always true to their word.


The Rooster: This year, the luck of people born under the sign of the Rooster will slip a little, and they could come a cropper from unscrupulous people, accidents or thieves. They will need to tread carefully.

1. 雞毛蒜皮 lit. Chicken feathers and garlic skin; trifling matters
例: Stop keeping on saying sorry about such trifling matters.

Dog 狗

Years: 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006
People born under the sign of the Dog tend to be honest, faithful and sincere. They respect tradition and value honor, and enjoy helping people. They have their own very developed moral compass.
Dog people do many things well: while not good in big groups, they are smart, caring, and good at lending an ear to a friend in need. They are loyal, with a keen sense of duty and can be counted upon. Good company when in a good mood, the dog person can turn disagreeable when riled.

The young dog person is a very serious individual, and only later on in life learns not to take things so seriously. In love, they often make things more complicated than they need to be by over-thinking the situation.


The Dog: People born under the sign of the Dog should be wary of misfortune and obstacles in their relations with others. They will benefit from doing more to help others.



1.白雲蒼狗 vicissitudes; how times change.
例: How time moves on. The tribe has changed so much.

Pig 豬

Years: 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007
People born under the sign of the Pig are generally very giving, and believe people are essentially good. They are trustworthy and obliging, but perhaps too much so, and can be taken for a ride by people wanting to take advantage of their trusting nature.
Their best traits, however, are reserved for those of whom they approve. And while they can be sensitive and caring in a relationship, they can also be possessive and demanding of attention.


The Pig: Both good luck and misfortune will play a role this year for people born under the sign of the Pig. Knowing how to handle the situation and when to act, while keeping a positive frame of mind, will improve their chances in many areas of their lives, and will bring them more rewards.


1. 人怕出名豬怕肥 fame has its price.
例: He kind of disappeared after he made it as a writer. Fame has its price.

Rat 鼠

Years: 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008
Efficient, industrious, gregarious, expressive yet self-sufficient, honest but with a tendency to provincialism, people born under the sign of the Rat often have a large group of acquaintances and a limited number of close friends, whom they treat as family.
Rats like to do things their own way, and are meticulous in their approach to any task at hand. As such, they’re not always the easiest people to work with. Their industry and their attention to detail means that they are often successful in business, but they also know how to spend, spend, spend.
While caring and devoted to partners, they do not tend to be very romantic.


The Rat: This year, the Rat bids farewell to the troubled times of last year, when it came last in the luck stakes, and can look forward to good luck and being elevated to top spot in 2015.

1. 投鼠忌器 to refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases (idiom)
例: If you’re that worried about upsetting the apple cart, you won’t get anything done.

Ox 牛

Years: 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009
People born under the sign of the Ox are hard-working and tenacious, and will stick to the task at hand until the job is done. They have a strong sense of self-belief, but tend to see things in black and white.
They have high standards, and expect others to do the same. They are not gregarious creatures, and will be quiet at large social gatherings. They appear to be quite calm, but it is not advisable to get their goat.
They are observant, with remarkable memories, and also intelligent and practical by nature. They have an almost dogmatic belief in their rights, and expect them to be respected.


The Ox: This year, people born under the sign of the Ox had best keep a low profile in all their dealings, as their lucky star is looking a little jaded.

1. 對牛彈琴 to preach to deaf ears
例: He isn’t the slightest bit interested in baseball or basketball, there’s no point talking to him about it, it will fall on deaf ears.
(他對棒球、 籃球一點興趣都沒有,你就不用在那邊對牛彈琴了。)

The Tiger 虎

Years: 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010
People born under the Tiger sign tend to be fearless leaders always at the forefront of the fray, never yielding, never forsaking a principle. They carry with them a natural air of authority and are highly charismatic, but can also be unpredictable and intimidating.
They are hard-working, never shirking their duty, but tend to like doing things on their own. In love, they can be sensitive and emotional, but often too intense, and occasionally territorial and possessive.


The Tiger : This year, the lucky star of those born under the sign of the Tiger is in the ascendant, and so they will be more confident and feel up to taking on all kinds of challenges.


成語:狐假虎威 the fox exploits the tiger’s might (idiom)
例: The assistant doesn’t actually have all that much authority, he just relies on the general manager for his power.

The Rabbit 兔

Years: 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011
People born under the sign of the Rabbit are sensitive, sweet, and soft-spoken. They are homebodies, and have excellent taste, paying as much attention to their homes as to their personal appearance, which is to say a lot.
They also have a pessimistic side, however, and are given to being insecure. They don’t like change, shy away from confrontation and are quick to turn on the waterworks if upset.

The Rabbit : This year the Rabbit is on a roll, and it has come across its lucky star, which means that it is nimble and sprightly and able to outrun and dodge any trouble that comes its way.
成語:守株待兔 to idly wait for opportunities to arise
例: He felt that his trap was set out pretty well, and all he needed to do was sit back and watch.

The Dragon 龍

Years: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012
People born under the sign of the Dragon are born leaders. They are movers and shakers. They are born with a sense of entitlement, and everyone wants to be a Dragon child. People look up to them, listen to their opinions, and always, always notice them when they walk into a room.
Aggressive, determined, often impetuous, self-assured, opinionated, snobbish, quick-tempered, egotistical and keen to impress their authority on others, Dragons can also be gifted, intelligent, tenacious, willing and generous.


The Dragon : People born under the sign of the Dragon are responsible and capable people. Dragons, especially females, will be able to express themselves fully and everything will go smoothly and without incident.

成語:畫龍點睛 to add the final touch
例: With only a slight change, what was originally a pretty unexceptional article was transformed. (本來一篇平淡無奇的文章,經他這麼稍微一改之後,直收畫龍點睛之效。)

The Snake 蛇
Years: 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013
The reputation of the snake precedes it, but it does an injustice to the reality of the person born under the sign of the Snake. Far from being the cunning, evil, seductive and destructive snake of the biblical story, Snake people are charismatic, popular, adjusted individuals with excellent manners. They are decisive, thoughtful, and cerebral.
They trust their own instincts, rather than rely on the opinion of others. They are also prone to exaggeration and the occasional fib, if they think they can get away with it.
In love, they can be romantic and charming, but also jealous and possessive, even after the relationship has finished. They do not suffer rejection well, and need acceptance and approval.
The Snake : People born under the sign of the Snake are generally nimble of thought and difficult to fathom, but unfortunately this year their lucky star is nowhere to be seen. In all dealings they should consult their more experienced seniors or experts, to avoid making bad decisions.
成語:1. 畫蛇添足 to gild the lily
例: When you talk you should keep it concise and comprehensive, there’s no need to add a lot of superfluous comments, or to gild the lily.
2. 打草驚蛇 to make a noise and alert someone to your presence
例: You are talking really loudly, aren’t you worried that people next door will hear, or that you will disturb someone?

The Horse 馬
Years: 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014
Horse people are at their best in large crowds. They are energetic. They know how to dress. They know what you’re going to say before you’ve finished the thought. Their brand of intelligence is more like cunning, although they can also suffer from a lack of confidence. They are hot-blooded, hot-headed and impatient, egoistic, sometimes selfish, and generally in the game for their own health.
Horses like to belong, but at the same time crave independence and, while they thrive on intimacy, easily feel cornered and claustrophobic from it.
The Horse : Last year was a frustrating year for people born under the sign of the Horse, but they learned from the experience, and this year everything will be easier. They will excel in all things.
成語:1. 天馬行空 wild and imaginative
例: He’s not really good at anything, but he has a wild imagination.

5 Tips For 2015 The Year Of The Sheep

5 Tips For 2015: The Year Of The Sheep

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