Wednesday, September 20, 2017

International Day of Peace 國際和平日

Vocabulary: Self study/Review here
  1. Global (adj)
  2. Workshop (n.) 研討會,討論會
  3. Speech (n.) 演說;發言;談話
  4. Celebrate (v.)
  5. Support (n.)
  6. Colleague (n.)
  7. seriously (adv.)
  8. something devoted to something: 將…貢獻給,把…奉獻給 EX: September 21st is devoted to peace.
  9. war torn: 飽經戰亂的;受戰爭蹂躪的
    EX:It is a long-term task to rebuild the infrastructure of a war-torn country such as Angola.重建像安哥拉這樣飽受戰爭蹂躪的國家的基礎設施是一項長期的任務。
13. prayer: 禱文,禱詞

EX: a prayer of thanks 表示感謝的禱文

She always says her prayers (= prays) before she goes to sleep她睡前總要念禱文。

The International Day of Peace should be one of the most important days of the year. It occurs annually [every year] on September 21st. It is dedicated to peace as well as the absence [不存在;缺乏]of war. This day also serves as a global ceasefire [停火協定] day. Many countries, political groups and military groups observe [obey a custom] it. The day starts when the U.N. rings the “Peace Bell” at its New York headquarters. This bell was a gift from the people of Japan. There is a message on the side of the bell that says: "Long live absolute [total] world peace." The U.N. said: "Peace Day should be devoted to commemorating [officially respect] and strengthening the ideals[理想;標準極高的原則] of peace [and] that our permanent [長久的;永久的commitment, above all interests [利益,好處] or differences of any kind, is to peace."

Thousands of Peace Day events take place around the world every year. These include concerts involving rock superstars to football tournaments [錦標賽] for peace and baking cakes for peace. Many organizations hold educational workshops in schools, especially those in war-torn countries. Nobel Peace Prize laureates [諾貝爾獎得獎者] also make speeches to show the world their work has not finished. Anyone can celebrate Peace Day. It can be a simple, individual act such as lighting a candle and saying a prayer. For those who want to be more active, it can involve getting the support of friends and colleagues to plan a large event. Hopefully, this day will take off and people will think about peace more seriously.

++ This is taken from my 8th grade Social Studies class.

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名詞 Noun

動詞 Verb

形容詞 Adjective

慣用語 Idiom