Friday, September 8, 2017

People who read books are kinder, study finds-研究發現,讀書的人更親切

New Words:
1. empathetic:形容詞,移情作用的,感情移入的。例句:Women are usually more empathetic than men.(女性通常比男性更容易產生移情作用。)

2. interpersonal:形容詞,人與人之間的,人際交往的。例句:Interpersonal skills are the skills you use to interact with people and communicate.(人際關係技巧是你與人互動和溝通時使用的技巧。)

3. experimental:(科學)實驗的,試驗性的。例句:There is no experimental evidence for the theory.(這套理論並無實驗佐證。)

Want to become a better person? Then you might want to consider picking up a book because according to a new study, reading regularly could make you kinder and more empathetic. 想要變成更好的人嗎?你可能要考慮拾起書本,因為根據一項新研究,定期閱讀可使你更親切和更具同理心。

Researchers from Kingston University looked at the effects of reading or watching television on different traits. Participants were questioned on their preference for books, TV and plays. They were then tested on their interpersonal skills, such as how much they considered people’s feelings and whether they acted to help others.

The study found that readers were more likely to act in a socially acceptable manner. Instead, TV lovers were less friendly and less understanding of others’ views. The team suggests that reading books allows people to see things from other people’s points of views, making them better at understanding others. 研究發現,閱讀者更有可能採取社會可以接受的行為。反之,電視愛好者較不友善,且較不理解他人觀點。研究團隊指出,閱讀讓人們能從他人觀點看待事物,使他們更能了解別人。

The study revealed that fiction fans showed more positive social behavior while readers of drama and romance novels were found to be the most emphatic. Similarly, lovers of more experimental books showed the ability to see things from different perspectives. 研究顯示,虛構小說迷展現更多的正面社會行為,而戲劇和浪漫小說讀者被發現最富同理心。同樣地,偏好科學實驗書籍的人,則展現從不同角度看待事物的能力。

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